'Juice' for xbox!

Aaron man, you got me all excited for a moment there... i thought you had some hot news about Juice! Yeah, i'm so glad it's coming to PC... i'll be downloa...err...buying 'Juice' for sure! :D

a quick search... no new news that i could find... but i'll post this sexy screenshot anyway. looks good.

<IMG SRC="http://image.com.com/gamespot/images/2004/screen0/919654_20040122_screen012.jpg">
Release dates for pc I am waiting for

Half Life........Aug 26th
True Crime....May 13th
Doom 3..........July 13th
Right now, the only thing I really care about on PC is Half-Life 2...but I don't have high hopes of seeing it this year.

Doom 3 keeps looking less impressive (did anyone see video of the demo of the third generation Unreal engine from GDC?)

I finally picked up PGR2 on Xbox, but haven't had time to play it much (or any other game for that matter). I let my Live account expire too since my game playing time is currently nil.
Ah sorry neo, there was a new picture in the official australian xbox magazine p46(red nsx) with the caption 'if you can't pull in this you've got no hope' :D

Doom 3 and half life 2(providing theres no more delays!) are going to be huge. Cannot wait for the E3 reports:)

Akira, i'm sure you can get us some industry insider info:p
Anyone read about the Geforce 6800... sounds awesome.. I will probably need to get one to run Doom III
I *NEED* a 6800 Ultra... check out the most impressive <A HREF="http://www.firingsquad.com/hardware/nvidia_geforce_6800_ultra/page19.asp">benchmark results here</A> -- note the increase of resolution has NO IMPACT on the FPS!!! AWESOME! :D All i need is 'Juice' and an 6800U... and i'm a happy little NSXer! :D

<B>Akira3D</B> - i have never forgotten your impression at E3 where you were disappointed by doom3 but blown away by HL2. i have quoted that to a few people. But i think the doom3 engine will be better than you might think.

i recently had a chance to try the 'doom3 beta2' that leaked onto the net on a hi-end system with a good nvidia video card... and .... it wasn't bad. I personally find doom/quake gameplay over-simplistic and dated BUT the graphics were <I>very</I> sophisticated. The dynamic lighting and FINALLY your own character shadow is very nice. HL2's character faces is better. I'm actually looking forward to what other game developers do with the doom3 engine. (ie Medal of Honor was based on Quake3)

<B>For guys who can't wait for Doom3 or HL2 any longer -- check out <A HREF="http://www.farcry.ubi.com/">Far Cry</A></B> - The graphics engine is similar, and the game is very very good. A rare quality FPS.

lol... that's it for "Neo's Official Game Reviews" :p
NetViper said:
Anyone read about the Geforce 6800... sounds awesome.. I will probably need to get one to run Doom III

Doom 3 will run very nicely on any nvidia FX card (as in take full advantage of shadows & lighting). Get a FX5950 or 6800U if you want to play at high-res or with anti-aliasing up high.... or if you want bragging rights. :D

wish someone else was as excited by the 6800U previews as i was... :rolleyes:
The NV40 (GF6800) is definitely a very nice chip, but I would wait for the competition (R420) and check out the benchmarks before jumping to any conclusions.

Ok, ok, I admit, I work for the competition :D

I gotta say though that Doom3 which makes heavy use of stencil/Z for shadows will run extremely well on NV40 due to its obscenely high fillrate/memory efficiency on Z only passes. Unreal3 engine rocks BTW.. very nice!
i honestly wouldnt pick up true crime, i rented it and completed all of the story arcs within like 3 or 4 days of playing (very modest playing too, i might add) it is not very long

everyone seems to be worried about their hardware and if it will support doom3, but ya gotta remember, doom3 was supposed to be heave on teh graphics cards back when it was first released. i have little doubt my 9800 oc'd will have a problem
hey akria3d, doesn't the Live account charge you automatically if you don't actually cancel the subscription. Just thought you might want to check that out.

Far Cry, very cool. I bought a ATI 9800XT 256MB, and so I get a free copy of HL2 when it drops. You guys think the NVidia card is better?? I used to be an Nvidia whore, but decided to give the ATI a try.
EssTooKayTD said:

Far Cry, very cool. I bought a ATI 9800XT 256MB, and so I get a free copy of HL2 when it drops. You guys think the NVidia card is better?? I used to be an Nvidia whore, but decided to give the ATI a try.

Far Cry is amazing. It goes cripple my Radeon 9700 though. I need to upgrade!

The New ATI card is already faster than the lastest NVIDIA. Nobody expected that to happen as the GF 6 is VERY fast.

Too bad they are both like $500 bucks!
NetViper said:
Far Cry is amazing. It goes cripple my Radeon 9700 though. I need to upgrade!

The New ATI card is already faster than the lastest NVIDIA. Nobody expected that to happen as the GF 6 is VERY fast.

Too bad they are both like $500 bucks!

tell me about it man. It hurts the pocketbook. I also bought the AMD athlon 64. in all honesty, I don't notice it being THAT much faster from my XP 1700+. faster yes. but then again, I'm not running 64-bit apps. or again, I'm just retarded and it really is a lot faster :) at least it's not slower!
EssTooKayTD said:
hey akria3d, doesn't the Live account charge you automatically if you don't actually cancel the subscription. Just thought you might want to check that out.
As for Xbox Live, i believe it depends on when you signed up for it originally. If you started when it first came out, before they had even decided what billing system to use, they can hardly set you up for automatic billing without telling you

EssTooKayTD said:

Far Cry, very cool. I bought a ATI 9800XT 256MB, and so I get a free copy of HL2 when it drops. You guys think the NVidia card is better?? I used to be an Nvidia whore, but decided to give the ATI a try.
You want to read the fine print on your box. Although the ATI deal gives you a free copy of the game, i don't think you get it till a few weeks after launch
NetViper said:

The New ATI card is already faster than the lastest NVIDIA. Nobody expected that to happen as the GF 6 is VERY fast.

Too bad they are both like $500 bucks!

If you want to play you got to pay!
NetViper said:
Far Cry is amazing. It goes cripple my Radeon 9700 though. I need to upgrade!

The New ATI card is already faster than the lastest NVIDIA. Nobody expected that to happen as the GF 6 is VERY fast.

Too bad they are both like $500 bucks!

Hey Chris... i didn't know you were a PC game enthusiast. cool!

The new ATI-preview is faster at the moment but nVidia has announced it will be increasing MHz in the retail version. So who knows what that will do. Also nVidia has a history of improving performance dramatically with driver improvements. Let's see what the retail versions of the cards are like.

But the benchmarks on both of them are sweeeeet as. I gotta get me some next-gen action. :D