Joining the bandwagon...

28 October 2004
Hey all,
Figured everybody else is getting a NSX, I might as well get one too.

It not the easiest of all purchases to make, I've been wanting one since I saw my first one 10 years ago at the Chicago Auto show, Brooklands Green...and last week I took delivery of one, after years of saving and waiting for the right one and of course the generous help of one of the guys on the board that ran a carfax for me, and then coordinating the purchase from dynamicNSX while traveling overseas... after all is said and done, it's absolutely fantastic.

I also own a ITR and a 600RR...yeah, a thing for Hondas... and comparitively the NSX is definitley more refined, it doesn't "feel" as fast as the ITR, and it's definitely not as fast as the 600RR, but it's unique in it's own right. The ITR is way more brash and raw, the engine winds up really fast, more go-kart-ish in feel...way fun to drive. I think between the two cars, I'd rather take the ITR to the track, perhaps only because I am more comfortable in it. I've been able to keep pace with NSXs in the ITR on the twistier sections at the track, but they usually slowly pull away from me on the straights. The 600RR is just brutally quick--I haven't had enough time to take it to the track to see waht it, or rather, I can do. The NSX is just refined, it's quick without making it obvious, everything is just right, the feel of the steering input, where all the controls are laid out, the appearance of the gauges, the seating position... absolutely love it. One day I'll take it out to the track and see what it's really like to push it.

So just wanted to say "Hi" to everybody out there, and hopefully I can contribute to the forum...

We need pics, we need pics :wink:
now first thing first/ you'll now need to also upgrade your user name from Geometro to something else. he he he, that's a funny user name.
now let's see some pix. :smile:
Welcome to the club.... I also have a 600RR (04) I love the bike. Actually the NSX has a simular engine feel. Both rev to beat hell, and are as smooth as silk at the high revs. It's the best of both worlds....

post pictures....
geometro said:
the NSX is definitley more refined, it doesn't "feel" as fast as the ITR, and it's definitely not as fast as the 600RR, but it's unique in it's own right. The ITR is way more brash and raw, the engine winds up really fast, more go-kart-ish in feel...way fun to drive. I think between the two cars, I'd rather take the ITR to the track, perhaps only because I am more comfortable in it. I've been able to keep pace with NSXs in the ITR on the twistier sections at the track, but they usually slowly pull away from me on the straights.
Having driven both cars on the track (a lot), I can assure you that the NSX is as much fun to drive on the track, if not more so. It is also lots quicker than the ITR, in the corners as well as on the straights. The difference between the two is that, in the ITR, you can drive the car up to its limits, and it's right there for you. Yes, brash and raw. And the engine does "wind up really fast" because it reaches redline sooner. However, that does NOT mean it's faster. In fact, the NSX is considerably faster, and can eat the ITR up with the same driver in each car, any day of the week. The NSX always has more performance than you can take advantage of. It's almost impossible to feel like you are using all of the NSX's capabilities. The NSX is easy to drive fast, but more difficult and challenging to take advantage of all its performance.

Take the NSX to the track. Wind it out. THEN you'll understand what it's all about.

If you're in the Chicago area, come to some of the CGI Motorsports events at GingerMan Raceway. There are always a few NSXs there. We'll be having a big NSX Club event there this spring. (Don't forget to join the NSX Club! And there's still time to come to our annual dinner!)
Absolutely agree with you.

The NSX is a faster car: I meant the ITR "feels" faster, not it actaully "is" faster. The driving sensation suggests you really are hustling along, where as the NSX, you really don't notice how fast you're going until you glance down at the speedometer and go, "Whoa!" Like I said before, the NSX is a quick car without making it perhaps I should add, the NSX is by far a quicker car than a NSX, without making it obvious.

(The other thing I noticed is the VTEC "kick" is much more subtle in the NSX. The engine note changes but the car keeps on pulling faster and faster linearly where as in the ITR it's more of a kick in the pants.)

Both are fun to drive, and the ITR is "easier" to drive--to really push the pace of a really have to push yourself. Like you said, it doesn't feel like I'm using up all of the car's capabilities. As it is, the ITR is probably more car than I can handle right now, the NSX well, it's even further out there. If I have more time, I'd like to go more to Thunderhill, maybe try out Infineon, and if I'm feeling extra adventurous, venture south to Buttonwillow or Willow Springs for seat time.

I'm in the Bay Area so I'd love to get a chance to meet some fellow owners permitting.

Pics soon!

Welcome. If you are in the SF Bay Area, please join us for our monthly NSXCA club lunches. The <A HREF="" TARGET="new"> next one</A> is coming up. Hope you can make it.
Of all the places that I run into you Geo.... It's now on the NSX forums!

Welcome aboard buddy! It's me, Michael "Spoon/Toda JDM ITR" Yun. I haven't talked to you in a long time, but as soon as I see your Screen Name, I knew it was you. :)

Congrats on the NSX purchase man! We'll definitely have to meet up sometime. I am in the LA area now, but still make it up to the bay area every once in awhile. Let me know the next time you plan to run up at Thunderhill or Buttonwillow. I'll bring my NSX as well.

I actually miss driving the old ITR. It was definitely faster than my 93 NSX coupe with bolt ons... But that's because of the 2.0 liter, Toda Cams, and the heavy engine work... Maybe I'll have to get that done to the NSX someday if I can ever figure out how to drive it correctly.

The ITR is so much more forgiving on the track. And going from a front drive to rear-wheel takes some time to adjust. It would be cool to do some track days with you George.

PM me, and I can update you with my new number.

Take care and congrats on the NSX... and oh yeah... the NSX people LOVE pictures so try to post a few up of your new baby.

Hey Mike, long time no see! I was wondering whatever happened to you...small world!

Have to catch up with you some day...

Here are the pics, couldn't resize them so I put them in the gallery...

Gallery pictures
