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join ScienceofSpeed in a contribution to Japan earthquake & tsunami disaster relief

19 January 2001
Chandler, AZ
join ScienceofSpeed in a contribution to Japan earthquake & tsunami disaster relief


In addition to our initial contribution, we will be contributing 20% of our profit from this week to the Japan earthquake & tsunami disaster relief via the Red Cross.

donate securely online here (note that through this link, PayPal covers the cost of credit card processing such that 100% of your contribution reaches the support organization):

Thank you for your consideration.

-- Chris
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Re: join ScienceofSpeed in a contribution to Japan earthquake & tsunami disaster reli

Yes, it's a popular theme for the media to discredit the Red Cross especially in international disasters because the support is indirect through member organizations and through long term support after the intial media attention subsides. I prefer this organization due to it's regulation and fine scrutiny as a non-profit and PayPal's offseting a major cost in processing - however, you're welcome to donate as you see fit.

-- Chris
Re: join ScienceofSpeed in a contribution to Japan earthquake & tsunami disaster reli

Thanks to Chris/SOS for setting this up.

FWIW, The Consulate General of Japan in San Francisco lists the American Red Cross as one of the organizations that is recommended for making donations in the US towards the relief effort for those affected by the Quake/Tsunami in Japan. (Received as part of an emergency notification email from the Consulate's office)



(1) 当館への小切手(チェック)の送付
   ● 小切手宛先:  Consulate General of Japan
   ● 送付先 : Consulate General of Japan in San Francisco
           (Attn: Japan Earthquake Relief Fund)
          50 Fremont Street, Suite 2300, San Francisco, CA94105

(2) オンラインバンキング等(Union Bank 義援金受付口座への入金)
● 口座名 : Consulate General of Japan
● 口座番号: 1040037760

米国赤十字社Japan Earthquake and Pacific Tsunami
ジャパンソサエティ JSNC Japan Earthquake and Tsunami Relief Fund

  宛先等:「American Red Cross」宛て。目的欄「Japan Earthquake and Tsunami Relief」と記載下さい。
  送付先:JCCNC事務局 1875 South Grant Street, Suite 760, San Mateo, CA 94402

北カリフォルニア日本文化コミュニティー・センター(JCCCNC) Northern Japan Earthquake Relief Fund (詳細はhttp://jcccnc.org )

This message has been written in Japanese. Sorry for no English.
If you have any question, please call to the nearest Embassy or
Consulate General of Japan, Consular Section. Thank you.

Kotirawa %RKNAME% No Kinkyuu Issei Tsuuhou
(INSIDE Integrated Notify Support In Disaster & Emergency) Desu.
Kono Message Wa Nihongo Kanji Nite Soshin Sareteimasu. Honkenni
Kanshiteno Otoiawasewa Ochikakuno Zaigaikoukan Made Gorenraku Kudasai.
 こちらは、%JKNAME% 緊急一斉通報(INSIDE Integrated Notify
Support In Disaster & Emergency)です。この一斉通報は、在留届にて


Re: join ScienceofSpeed in a contribution to Japan earthquake & tsunami disaster reli

Yes, it's a popular theme for the media to discredit the Red Cross especially in international disasters because the support is indirect through member organizations and through long term support after the intial media attention subsides. I prefer this organization due to it's regulation and fine scrutiny as a non-profit and PayPal's offseting a major cost in processing - however, you're welcome to donate as you see fit.

-- Chris


I think money is what is most needed in Japan right now which American Red Cross is providing and probably will continue to do so. Also, if I am not mistaken, there's a law that forces these charities to use the money as specified by the donor first which probably will ensure that your money will go to the right purpose.(though I'm not too sure about this). Either way, Thanks to chris and sos for doing this!
Re: join ScienceofSpeed in a contribution to Japan earthquake & tsunami disaster reli

Funds donated...
Re: join ScienceofSpeed in a contribution to Japan earthquake & tsunami disaster reli

Also, you can text Redcross to 90999 for a $10 donation to the American Red Cross. You'll get a confirmation text as a reply where you need to reply back with YES. Of course, that $10 will be added to your phone bill.
Re: join ScienceofSpeed in a contribution to Japan earthquake & tsunami disaster reli

We were able to make a sizeable contribution today designated for disaster relief in Japan from the proceeds of last week's sales. Thank you for your patronage.

-- Chris