JH4NA212XT000171 - '99 #44 Zanardi...

27 June 2003
A friend of mine is looking at this car for a friend in SD... haven't found any info on this yet, altho I do have pictures. I will post those later.

Anyways its at 101 Acura in Calabasas, CA



A friend of mine test drove it and it says it drives great, but you can tell the rear of the car has had major body work...(misaligned rear bumper and mismatched paint....)

Although carfax is clean, I have my suspicions....

Do a search. There is a thread about that car. Some of the posters have seen it and there are photos as well.

Good luck.
Guys if you see my thread, it has the same link you guys posted here...
fresh stuff...

Guys if you see my thread, it has the same link you guys posted here...
ANYTIME's post w/ the linkie was of a fresh-new thread regarding Zanardi #44 w/ ongoing dialogue w/ the owner's car-broker (same individual you mentioned in your 1st post).

Within the past hour or so, that current thread concerning Zanardi #44 got merged w/ the past thread that you linked in your 1st post also concerning Zanardi #44. Check that thread again for some real-time updates as of this afternoon, which will definitely offer insight for you & your friend!
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