JH4NA1157MT002026 please

Don't expect any more carfaxes after another "newbie" entrapped a well-meaning member. Plus, it is a little "pushy" to join a forum and make your first post a request for something you can pay for on your own.

No good deed goes unpunished......
Sorry i'm not him. I never joined or posted here because I figuired there was no point in it unless I had one, and now I maybe getting one. Thanks for making me feel welcome. And if you were not going to help me then why reply? Everytime I join a forum I always run into the assholes first. I guess you think your special because you already have a nsx. You were a "newbie" at one time also. Don't forget that. Thanks for the help.
Neep8 said:
Sorry i'm not him. I never joined or posted here because I figuired there was no point in it unless I had one, and now I maybe getting one. Thanks for making me feel welcome. And if you were not going to help me then why reply? Everytime I join a forum I always run into the assholes first. I guess you think your special because you already have a nsx. You were a "newbie" at one time also. Don't forget that. Thanks for the help.
Go away.
Neep8 said:
Sorry i'm not him. I never joined or posted here because I figuired there was no point in it unless I had one, and now I maybe getting one. Thanks for making me feel welcome. And if you were not going to help me then why reply? Everytime I join a forum I always run into the assholes first. I guess you think your special because you already have a nsx. You were a "newbie" at one time also. Don't forget that. Thanks for the help.

He was providing you info that you should not expect car faxes on Prime anymore after someone reported this to carfax and carfax was threatening action. This just happened within the last week.

IMHO, the comment about thinking "your special because you already have a NSX" does not look to good to a forum of NSX owners/enthusiasts or grammar teachers. :wink:

Welcome aboard.

One thing I usually do before posting is lurking and searching for a while to figure out what etiquette the rest of the forum members go by.

The request by newbies you've made is a really sore issue right now since some well meaning members have been "entrapped" as RSO 34 puts it.

Have you considered requesting the information you require from the seller?

BTW, google is your friend and you may discover some dated information on what you seek, but enough to make your decision.

Ok guys, I now understand. I did not know that happened, I appoligize. I would have acted the same way. You were just sticking up for your own. I promise you guys i'm legit. I do not understand why someone would report it to them. What would they get out of it? Sorry I used it as my first post. Anyway can I ask a question? Are 91s decent? I want one to customize. And I don't want to spend 40k-50k on a newer one. I quess what i'm asking is will I be happy with it? My uncle had a 96, and I did not care for the targa top. I would never use it. Sorry again for the post. If you guys want we can meet and you can throw stones at me.
Neep8 said:
Are 91s decent? I want one to customize. And I don't want to spend 40k-50k on a newer one. I quess what i'm asking is will I be happy with it? My uncle had a 96, and I did not care for the targa top. I would never use it. Sorry again for the post. If you guys want we can meet and you can throw stones at me.

First...a 91 with 80K miles might be better than a 1999 with the same mileage. Year is not as important as condition/history. What shape is it in? How is the interior? Had it been wrecked? Was it garaged? Has the service been done? Is it in snap-ring range etc...?

Will you be happy with it? Who knows...? What is your intention with this car? Daily driver? Weekend cruiser?

Customize? Sure you can, but what is your budget for this? Remember, you should probably budget some $ for repairs/service that may come up with a car this old.

Don't make a hasty decision, and the difference in the quality of an NSX you can get for $5-6K more than your average NSX may save you $10K in big repairs etc...

Good luck to you on your quest to get one of the greatest cars ever made.
I want the car to drive a couple days a week but mostly on weekends. As far the condition, it has 33,000 miles on it. And the guy says it has never seen rain, so i'm quessing garaged. I was thinking about going to look at it sometime, as soon as I get some time. It would not be a hasty decision. I mean I have always wanted one. Even before my uncle got his. I have had some full custom cars before. But as far customizing it i'm talking wheels, exhaust, suspension. I guess what I ment was compared to a 95-98 lets say will I be just as happy? Like I said I am not really a targa/convertable/t-top kind of guy. So that does't bother me. Engine and trans I already know about. He also said it was not in snap ring range.
I'm just glad the "love" is back on the forum.....:wink: For a minute there I thought I was logged on to S2KI.com

Good luck with the purchase!