Jetblue to rename aircraft Psychotic Blue

30 August 2005
They're going to have to change "going Postal" to "going Airline".

You only read about the ones that happen in the air where they have to divert. There have been many incidents of crews flipping out that you don't hear about. I heard directly from a Chief Pilot of an incident at my former airline where the Captain and First Officer got into a fist fight in the cockpit. As well, as many, many "flipping out" incidents that have happened on layovers. Including two suicides that occurred in the hotel on a layover.
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Haha, yeah, flying and a lot of other stuff "ain't what it used to be." Is anyone else getting tired of saying that? :rolleyes:
At least they didn't crash the plane.

My folks came out on the train last week, the stewards on the train seemed genuinely very happy as they helped my folks off. I don't think I can remember an airplane FA who looked even remotely happy.

I don't like to fly the way it is without having to worry about the mental state of the captain and crew...I mostly fly AA, I sure hope they have more than just a rubber stamp evaluation for license renewals. :smile:
I don't like to fly the way it is without having to worry about the mental state of the captain and crew...I mostly fly AA, I sure hope they have more than just a rubber stamp evaluation for license renewals. :smile:

As a Captain I have to renew my medical every 6 months. I'm in and out of the Dr's office on average in less than 20 minutes including the eye exam. But the doc does do a quick exam.

I can say from my time at the airline about 30% of the pilots are just plain weirdos. And 10% are.really creepy.
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I work on UAVs and there are a lot of pilots in my line of work. Lots of retired fighter pilots, recreational and sailplane pilots.

Q. How do you know there is a pilot in the room.

A. He tells you :biggrin: