Jesse James' car in Autozone commercial - sucks

27 November 2002
Jesse James' car literally drags on the road, causing sparks and wearing down the car and the road prematurely.

What a horrible POS!
Hahaha! I was thinking the same thing when I saw that commercial! What a lame setup.

But hey, to each his own.
I really enjoyed those first few "Motorcycle Mania" shows. His bikes were beautiful. Now every Tom, Dick, and Harry is building semi-custom choppers and the market is flooded with them. It's actually quite easy to put them together as you can buy all the parts you need from vendors.

If you've ever rode a motorcycle ( I used to commute on one) imagine how uncomfortable one of the rigid choppers would be to ride on any extended trip.
or now he's a gifted designer and fabricator that knows how to make the most of his recent fame. Everyone sells out for $$ :p

Briank said:
Just him doing a Autozone commercial is lame. I once thought of him as a gifted designer and fabricator. Now he is just a corporate mouthpiece
I to was surprized by the Autozone sell-out. Those corporate dollars must have finally overcome the free spirit :D
I always wondered how a car dragging the pavement was legal. Where is the DOT, NTSB, law enforcement, and Ralph Nader?

God forbid he hits the idiotic switch to drop the car on the ground after spilling a few drops of gas at fillup time...
He puts titanium skid plates on the rear of the car to make it spark, it also has pneumatic shocks so the ride height is adjustable,(they did a segment on him and his cars) Although I do agree that he "Jumped the Shark" by doing an Autozone commercial.

I work at the ISP that manages his online website operations.

I had a chance to meet him twice and he is truly a genuine person.

I was surprised as hell when I saw the Autozone commercials too but hey, when you're famous, ride the wave all the way to the shore.

My .02
He puts titanium skid plates on the rear of the car to make it spark, it also has pneumatic shocks so the ride height is adjustable,(they did a segment on him and his cars) Although I do agree that he "Jumped the Shark" by doing an Autozone commercial.

If they were Titanium, the sparks would be white, I seen to remember them being red/orange.