Jerry Seinfeld...

22 February 2007
Sunny SW
<object id="flashObj" width="652" height="367" classid="clsid:DWhile accepting a Clio Award this week for his advertising work for Acura...

excerpt..."I just want to enjoy the commercial. We know the product is going to stink. We know that because we live in the world, and we know that everything stinks. We all believe, ‘Hey, maybe this one won’t stink.’ We are a hopeful species. Stupid but hopeful. But we’re happy in that moment between the commercial and the purchase. And I think spending your life trying to dupe innocent people out of hard-won earnings to buy useless, low-quality, misrepresented items and services is an excellent use of your energy."

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While I understand this type of "humor", as an advertiser and sponsor of his webshow, I would be a little upset that my main spokesman said such things. Whether he was speaking about advertising in general or not. Don Rickles had the same type of humor.
...I would be a little upset that my main spokesman said such things....

I know…right? Whether in general or not (in this case probably the former). This is just a guess, but after you start making money hand over fist with every single airing of any episode + AMEX endorsements, etc., you lose the concept of ever “biting the hand that feeds you.” He doesn’t “need” anything from anybody. An unprecedented brazenness that you do not typically see being gotten away with here when you’re getting paid because 99.9% will never be where he’s at. I haven’t seen or read much about him lately but based on this I see a guy who used to make us laugh hysterically with comedy that was literally about nothing in life, to someone who now doesn’t care as much to make us laugh (except uncomfortably) through darkened lenses accompanied by much greater cynicism in life. I guess it's not too surprising when you are hands down the wealthiest actor in the entire world at 800 mill. Amazing that out of all the brands out there Acura gave him this platform...for the 2.0 no less! Must be a sign of something :eek: :wink:
I honestly don't understand what Acura advertising was thinking when they used 2 Acura haters to advertise for their new project. But then again, Acura advertising has been lost for years, along with their design and development departments. So, I guess there is a joke there somewhere.
That whole Seinfeld/Leno thing was stupid and must have cost a shitload of money.
... there is a joke there somewhere...

and as the saying's on us. the bottom line is that the very second the heads of acura okayed the pitch to use seinfeld/leno to promote the nsx 2.0 they sealed their coffin, and betrayed their desperation and much more than that to the rest of the world. generally great brands innovate, pioneer and lead the way. they don't copy, settle, or stake their entire reputation on relying on the coat tails of others for building their reputations. And especially in the case where that someone could care less about your brand, japanese imports, how it revolutionized the exotic car industry, yada-yada, etc. And especially, especially in the case of using two people who have gone on record for not particularly liking the said car slash brand to be advertised to begin with! Imagine the shallowness in the pitch...let's just pick the 2 most popular, super wealthy, car guys out there and have them promote the car! that'll do ya!

while the general public might not know better than that, was acura really that naive to think that a true auto enthusiast doesn't know what jay and jerry really think? newsflash...the general public does not buy nsx's, never did and never will! the commercials were hastily made for the wrong audience.

it's a sellout on behalf of the acura brand to resort to this level. and i suspect that this type of duplicitous, short-cuts for quick-results, leadership from the top town is why the design along with all the empty promises thus far has left us all wanting.

there are fan made renderings on this very board (like nspec) that do a much better job of carrying the heritage of the nsx to the next incarnation and that should not be the case. there are fan made videos on this very board (like that do a much better job of carrying the heritage of the nsx to the next incarnation and that should not be the case. what is there excuse? the pulse of the nsx is obviously still there as evidenced in many of these existing works, but it will not be in the 2.0, because the leadership of this project has shown all along, whether intentionally or unintentionally, that they have not been tapped into this, nor thinking in these terms.

just imagine for a moment if they would have used the drift king himself, keiichi tsuchiya, reflecting on his racing legacy with the nsx, all in japanese with subtitles, combined with the imagery and filmography of format67's video with flashbacks of senna behind the wheel in an era of racing that was not as mechanically assisted...and the message? how acura/honda revolutionized the entire exotic car world with the nsx and that they are GOING TO DO IT AGAIN! all of us, every single one of us would be on board...every single jdm fanboy in the world would have a poster up in their bedroom (like we would...again).

but no, instead they resorted to: dancing holographic monkeys, munchkins, zip-lines, jet backpacks, sock puppets, and two famous guys who could care less about the brand, the nsx, how it was a game changer for all exotics, and now its lost heritage for a first impression during a football game. make no mistake, this is the nsx that they have been working on and about to release in 2015...or 16...or if things continue to catch on fire and be ugly...maybe 17.
just imagine for a moment if they would have used the drift king himself, keiichi tsuchiya, reflecting on his racing legacy with the nsx, all in japanese with subtitles, combined with the imagery and filmography of format67's video with flashbacks of senna behind the wheel in an era of racing that was not as mechanically assisted...and the message? how acura/honda revolutionized the entire exotic car world with the nsx and that they are GOING TO DO IT AGAIN! all of us, every single one of us would be on board...every single jdm fanboy in the world would have a poster up in their bedroom (like we would...again).

but no, instead they resorted to: dancing holographic monkeys, munchkins, zip-lines, jet backpacks, sock puppets, and two famous guys who could care less about the brand, the nsx, how it was a game changer for all exotics, and now its lost heritage for a first impression during a football game. make no mistake, this is the nsx that they have been working on and about to release in 2015...or 16...or if things continue to catch on fire and be ugly...maybe 17.

I can't argue with this direction, but perhaps Acura is trying to capture a different audience because they believe the JDM fanboys are already convinced? It's not too late for them to ramp up the advertising tho as the car is still not out yet and the near production details are not even revealed yet. The robotic horse commercial was actually pretty cool tho. The newest NSX GT commercial was pretty cool too.

Perhaps they will use more Senna/Legacy/Racing influences and incorporate the original NSX in a commercial or too. You never know.
^ you are probably right about them wanting to grow their market. but one of the tried and true proven principles in business is that the easiest person to market to is the one you already have as a customer. go after them...your barrier to entry costs are a lot less and takes way less time to convince cause you already have them on board. that's your bullseye...aim for it and enjoy capturing some outer rings in the process. but DON'T give up your core sustainability...which is exactly what they did by their "sell-out" in vision and dream. does rolex bother to advertise in video game magazines for high schoolers? no, but every kid knows what a rolex is. you already had your suspicions of this by your insertion of a "?" after who's already convinced. why?...cause they're not convinced...practically nobody is.

in hindsight acura made a poor move to assume they had their existing market base (their proven sustainability bullseye) for a "grander" and "broader" vision of "growing" their market. that's just code for greed in exchange for any real true pioneering of something. they instead just threw their cars into a bunch of superhero movies, following suit with what someone else did (chevy w/transformers), again...all in an effort to ride the legendary coat tails of thor, ironman, and other fictional characters to become "popular" and "mainstream" via fluff, smoke and mirrors. also like you said, there are still no production details or perhaps even real dashboards still. sometimes in our effort to want more, you inadvertently lose it all because you forgot who you were and why you did it in the process.

i hope i am wrong with all sincerity. and i think we're on the same page with our hopes and observations for the nsx (i love your designs btw)...
i am just expressing what i have observed for literally a few years now of just quite observation. i can only hope that they move from popularity contests and fluff for the much more solid and rich heritage and legacy they have right under their noses. trade acquiring all the rings on the target and just hit the bullseye...please.

This is just the new form of marketing, well at least that's what the marketing gurus think. Where in the past sex main seller now comedy is for example (stupid skittles commercials wtf? Does jack in the box ever end commercials with out a punch line? Then we have the stupid Seinfeld/Leno airing on Super Bowl how many commercials didn't try to make us laugh?

Let's face the facts just based on brand alone those two fakes would even know what an nsx is if Acura didn't use them for commercial to me it was stupid market penetration people with that kind of money are buying porche, Ferrari, Lamborghini, mclaren, based on brand alone does not matter how ground breaking it is. I am not trying to bash the new nsx, agreeing with how stupid marketing is now a day.