Japanese Touring Cars Today.

24 March 2001
Neenah, Wi
FYI if you missed any of the last few Monday night Broadcasts of this event it will be run today with all the races from 11am-2pm central standard time. The last race had the best in car camera shots from Fermans Mobile One NSX check it out.

Steven 91 Blk/Ivory
Thanks for the info, I plan on checking it out. Do you know if the shows on Sunday are the same ones that will be shown Saturday?
Im guessing that today will show the Rd 1,2,3,4 and mid season gt300 ad gt500 summaries, then tomorrow will show the rouads 5,6,7,8 and the end of season summaries for gt300 and gt500.
Thanks. I'll check it out on both days, who knows when I'll get the chance to see it again. Can't wait to see an NSX all dressed up and driven in anger.
Wow! It sure was great to finally get to see the NSX in some races against other NSXs. The cars, parts, paint jobs, and race teams made for a good show, and the racing is aggressive. Certainly puts the US Realtime effort to shame-IMO.

I don't have a cable subscription, since I don't watch much TV. I cancelled it a couple of years ago, I only had it for Speedvision, and racing had become too much of a parade. When I heard that they were going to broadcast the Japanese championship, I was disapointed that they would only be showing highlights on a trial basis for a couple of months. While I would have liked to see SpeedTV (or whatever they are calling themselves this year) become the station that I always thought it could be, I was sadly disapointed in the network after it got sold. I still can't find out what races are on from the website, and just to show me that they are still a second rate station, I see that they repeated some of the same races twice in the three hour telecast. Sad, but I think they will always be showing infomercials.

I was surprised to see Wayne Gardner in the Japanese series. Last I heard he left Austrailian touring cars for truck racing. The McLarens and the Lambos don't look at ease on the track, I would have thought they would run better. They sure do know how to fix up cars over there in Japan, and it makes for a first rate race series. JGTC rules!
2002 was the last year Ralph Firman raced in JGTC. He is now one of two drivers for the Jordan F-1 team, thanks to the British sponsors. I will be rooting for him this season, even though he's at a mechanical disadvantage. GO Firman!

[This message has been edited by Zanardi 50 (edited 16 February 2003).]