Japanese Sword Collectors?

22 May 2002
Tucson, AZ, USA
Being that most everyone on this site appreciates handcrafted Japanese road weaponry, :wink: I was wondering if anyone here has delved into the realm of Japanese sword collecting/use? I've been really wanting to get (at least) one, and how to use them via Kenjutsu in a local Dojo. Of course, it can be pretty damn expensive, which is the thing keeping me from really jumping in with both feet.

On New Year's Eve, a friend of mine showed me his 600-year-old Katana, and it was such a beautiful sword.
I have the Imperial O Tanto and Wakazashi swords made by Cold Steel, shown here: http://www.coldsteel.com/japaneseswords.html They are strong, well made, and extremely sharp. One day I will get the Katanas, as well.

Of course, these are just "user" swords that do not have the "soul" of the original swords. :smile:
Nice! I was looking at getting a modern combat sword from Paul Chen, Cold Steel, or similar to get started with, then move on to acquiring an authentic piece of Japanese art and history. Are you going to round out your collection with a Katana?
for collector stuff i think you can get WW2 era katanas w/o breaking the bank.
i think they are made them out of rail road irons??

for something like a Masamune i've heard of one that went for auction for like $10 million or so.

i think they still have yearly competitions in japan for handmade swords, the quality is pretty good and i think you can have a custom handmade sword for around $5k real temper lines and all that good stuff
Masamune is a long sword right. How long is it normally? Sephiroth uses one.
it can be wielded by white mages, black mages, red mages, fighters, martial artists and thiefs, second only to excaliber which only works with fighters :biggrin:
Kill Bill movie sword? ;)

If you're buying or selling, please don't do what this guy did! (right click for video, 1.05 mb, save as) :D

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Since this thread started, I have been reading a bit on Japanese sword vendors. A few of the interesting ones are here:


I just ordered my Imperial Katana from one of them. :smile:

Aside... This evening I drove my NSX for a half-hour drive. And, after spending another half-hour here in vain trying to summarize my feelings, I'll just put it this way:

NSX = high quality Japanese sword
My friend has a Bugei Katana and they are well made swords that are not crazy expensive. Also he almost has his instructors license to teach Bujinkan Ninjitsu, and not to mention having some training with Grandmaster Hatsumi himself.
Iv had two experiences with real swords, those with souls. This was in japan. One was in a museaum there were several, i believe the longer swords were used for ceremonial execution. The other place that i got a chance to see it was after a 5 mile hike into the moutains, there was a sword smith there that me and my friend went to go watch its pretty intense. Basically for this swordsmith he makes 3 swords a year and melts two down keeping the best as a masterpiece. He sells these for around 70-80 k if i remember correctly... ill double check when i get home and post pics. there not the best quality and nothing compared to standing next to it, but impressive none the less.:smile: