Japanese Culture


Legendary Member
17 April 2000
Northern VA
It is called Cosplay, or costume play. What it amounts to is that the Japanese live in a very structured society and need harmless ways to blow off steam and rebel. Because the Japanese people all look somewhat alike, having the same color hair, eyes, and skin, they use fashion, make-up, hair dye, and style to set themselves apart. Some dress as sci-fi characters, comic book heroes, theme and fetish wear. I guess the same holds true for the fire breathing dragon transformer mutant-ninja commuter cars.

I like the hippie chic on page two.
Same as in America where pop culture icons set the code for what's cool in fashion. The difference in Japan is that the icons, going by what the guy and girl look like, are video game characters. The guy looks like some RPG character...hair is a spitting image of Cloud from FF7. And the girl seems to want to portray the cute and harmless image of female characters in RPG games.