January 22, 2010 Track Day at THill

25 October 2001
Northern California
Folks, if you are itching for some track, the Aston Martin Owners' Club is having a track day at THill on Friday January 22 rain or shine.

The pdf file is too large to attach but suffice it to say they are looking at some 25-30 cars max, with two run groups and each session about 45 minutes with some 3 hours total which is huge given the group you are running with and the limited number of cars! Registration is $250 with additional driver $75 only. Catered lunch is included. Deadline for registration is January 15. Instructors will be made available if requested.

Please contact George Wood directly at [email protected] with any questions or interest.

This is the schedule

9 am Group 1 Open lapping
9:45 am Group 2 Open lapping
10:30 am Group 1 Open lapping
11:15 am Group 2 Open lapping
Noon Catered Lunch at the Track
1 pm Group 1 Open lapping
1:45 pm Group 2 Open lapping
2:30 pm Group 1 Open lapping
3:15 pm Group 2 Open lapping
4 pm Group 1 Open lapping
4:30 pm Group 2 Open lapping
5 pm Track Closed
Should I go pick up a "Vantage-S" so I can hang with the cool brits?

Hrant- let me know if you decide to go cuz I'm itching:biggrin: