10 May 2001

Hello everyone. Well yesterday i decided to take my nsx for a ride since it was nice and sunny in seattle. So i started towards Vancouver Canada about 160 miles from seattle where i started. It all started when i was aproached by the Canadian customs officer. He came up to me and said that he needs to search the car and that it was just a rotin check up. As soon as they started searching my car three other officer came up to me and said that i am under arrest and all that crap. Man i was so scared i mean something like this has never happened to me before. Thay basically lied and said that this car is not mine and that the plates are not registered under my name shit like that. I mean come on you have the registeration rite there. So i was vey cooperative with them and really nice i mean shit i was hand cufed and putt in jail for 3 hours. It turned out that once again according to them( that there is another guy by that name in canada as a canadian citizen) so i asked them if i can see that document at wich they said no. After three hours i was released and free to go anywhere i like. Boy o boy i was so mad couldnt do anything i mean here i am alone and dont even know why i am being arrested you know. So as i was leaving the officer gave me my keys and said have a nice day. I said Sir hmm can i ask why they handcufed me and putt me in jail and all. They said will we do that to alot of people and its very normal specailly guys with this kinda car. Then he said that you have to remember that coming to Canada is a previlige we can denie any one entry if we want to. So i went to my car and i saw that they went through the whole dame car and they took apart all the trunck apolstery and broke my rear wire guard (behind the seats) man i was mad and i knew if i go back there agian theyre gona bulshit me agian so ijust left and i just got home hour ago. Sorry for such a long topic but any ideas i mean what can i do next time this happens or how do i get them to apologise and all i feel so helpless and humeliated???? ME very mad. thanks Mustafa. (sorry for spelling i am so tired).
Wow! Don't know what to say. That just sucks

You can, and probably should register a complaint with US customs. Just don't expect any real action. You may even want to write a letter to your congressman, or ask a local news organization if they are interested. Can't make a federal case of it, but you should at least let someone know
About fifteen years ago, my very pregnant wife and I made the mistake of taking a road trip from Connecticut up to Prince Edward Island. We had a brand new Volvo. Canadian troopers pulled us over. My wife was sitting with a blanket over her lap, and wasn't feeling too well. Bastards yanked her out of the car and started searching the ash tray, the trunk, etc..I started screaming about sueing them for hurting my wife and unborn child, and when they realized she really was pregnant, they threw all the stuff back in the trunk and said "Have a nice visit here in Canada". I'll never go back there again.
Actually, that's how our borders should be to everyone else, even way before Sept. 11th, but it's more like a seive, even now.You wouldn't believe how many Canadians are here illegally, working construction and not paying any taxes. And bringing US dollars
back home, coming and going as they please.
Well, look at it this way...At least they weren't painting the holding cells at the time. In which case, they would have had to take you downtown to Central Booking, where you could get lost in the system for something like 43 hours, and learn how to use your shoes as a pillow. There, feel any better?
I'm not quite sure if tourists go to Canada a lot but I'm sure if you contacted the media and made a big deal about it you could hurt Canada's tourism industry. Hurts em where it hurts everyone...the wallet =)
Did this happen at the border crossing? If it did, I have heard many of horror stories that have happened at border crossings. Not only on the Canadian but also on the American side. They tend to target young people with "fancy" cars. If everything happened exactly the way you said it did then I would definately file a complaint. No one should be treated like that.Ohh and BTW rcarlos you really do give Canadians a bad name.

Is it possible for you to edit or delete the vulgar language or vulgar posts?

Perhaps also a move to "Off Topic" would be in order as well.


1992 NSX Red/Blk 5 spd #0330
1991 NSX Blk/Blk Auto #3070 (Sold)
1974 Vette 454 4 spd Wht/Blk
Looking for 76-79 Honda Accords

[This message has been edited by Jimbo (edited 17 February 2002).]
Living here in Detroit I use to go to Canada every Saturday night. Windsor is a party town and a lot of fun, beautiful Canandian girls, clubs, good food, Casinos.

I don't go anymore. The boarder crossing has gotten way too serious and slow. I don't like showing my birth certificate when I use to just need a drivers licens. The business in Windsor must be suffering. Who would have ever thought??? that crossing back and fourth would become a big deal.
Sucks, man. But I feel for you. I've traveled to dozens of different countries, and the single worst border crossing I've ever done is US > Canada. Sometimes you just get to drive through, other times you're in for hours of humiliation. I don't go to Canada unless I have to.

I have had my share of stories with american border guards crossing back and forth between niagra falls and buffalo. It's not JUST the Canadians.

I am sorry for your experience, but I am pretty sure that is not typical. I would not let one incident turn you off of going to Canada.

Next time I would get a badge number off of the person though and go directly to his superior. It seems you were treated pretty poorly and I wouldn't want someone else to have to go through all of that.

Sorry for you experience, and on behalf of all Canadians, I hope that never happens to anyone else here ever again.

NetViper -= 100% Stock EBP 2000 Civic Si =- Still looking to get an NSX, but at least I can live life at 8,000 RPM!
FOr the first time for about 12 years, I went to Toronto from Sterling Heights in MI, and it was on a company trip. 6 of us were in a mini van, 2 Americans, me (Malaysian), and 3 Japanese. Needless to say, we had to go through customs. The officer that stamps those passports, man they were serious as hell, and kept asking all these questions. I got the worst of it, because even though Im of a Chinese race, Malaysia is still considered a Muslim Country. On the way back though, the US customs were actually tickled to find a van with Americans, Japanese, and a Malaysian.
Hello every one. Well I dono what to say i mean yes i could've gottin the officers badge numbers and all but i dont think that the senior officer would do anything. They are all rottin man. I think will this is what i sansed maybe they are jelouse. and back to your comment MR. FU well what can i say you are what you are i guess its how you were brought up i think. I did speak to the U-s customs officer and he did say one thing though. HE said that if it wasnt for the United States Canada would not be standing next to us ritw now. WHICH I AGREE 100% i love my country and i'd give my blood for it any time. Even though i wasnt boren her but this is the land that has givin me adn my parents everything and anything. What i went through in canada was something that i have never went through here in the U-S. I guess maybe thats why God gives us Americans so much and people like you guys (canadian governmetan and some jelouse citizens)will always live off of us. You know what i could do alot about this after talking to my dad i mean i could even talk to the Mayor of our town who knows the Governor of seattle really well but maybe not lets see what happens next time. Looser you better kiss the ground of U-S next time you down here. Sorry my fellow Americans but me kinda mad. Dame looser canadains ( wellfare recipeints) bye. Mustafa.
Let's all take a deep breath here. Things happen that are wrong. They can happen in Canada, and they can happen in the United States, just like anywhere else. (I think it was KenjiMR who presented a long post here about an encounter with law enforcement here in the U.S. that involved some equally reprehensible actions; I'm sure the Forums Nazi can point us to it.)

Sometimes it's a matter of one or two individuals who say or do something wrong; maybe they shouldn't, maybe they're having a bad day, who knows why they do something wrong. But let's not blame an entire country for the statements or actions of one or two individuals. And let's not stoop to the same level by replying to insults with more insults.

We are here to enjoy our cars and to share information and to enjoy being here. While unfortunate incidents may happen to any of us, that shouldn't be cause for us to attack each other. We usually get along pretty well here, and that's partly why many of us enjoy hanging out here. Let's treat each other with the same kind of respect we'd each expect from others.
Actually,I agree with NetViper - I think that the problem you encountered has nothing to do specifically with 'canada' or canadians - it has to do with customs, and the US side is just as bad (IMO). I had a Japanese girlfriend who flew in from Tokyo - she was detained by Immigration/Customs for no reason for 4 hours. They nearly strip-searched her, and went through all of her luggage and threatened to ship her back because she didn't bring enough money with her (only a few thousand or something) and that they were afraid she was coming here to marry me and they "couldn't allow that". When she finally came out, tears were running down her cheeks and she was shaking. It was horrible.

I was so infuriated, but at that time, I didn't know what I could do.

So the point being that the issue isn't whether or not they're Canadian or US - the point is that many/most border/customs guys (regardless of country) are complete egotistical assholes. That has been my personal experience.

I was actually going to burst out into the South Park "Blame Canada" song just for our
"special person" rcarlos, but I'll spare the rest of you and skip it

David Allen
'00 Silverstone NSX-T
Comptech SC, Headers, Intake, Exhaust & a little Mark Basch tweakage
Originally posted by [email protected]:
Hello every one. Well I dono what to say i mean yes i could've gottin the officers badge numbers and all but i dont think that the senior officer would do anything. They are all rottin man. I think will this is what i sansed maybe they are jelouse. and back to your comment MR. FU well what can i say you are what you are i guess its how you were brought up i think. I did speak to the U-s customs officer and he did say one thing though. HE said that if it wasnt for the United States Canada would not be standing next to us ritw now. WHICH I AGREE 100% i love my country and i'd give my blood for it any time. Even though i wasnt boren her but this is the land that has givin me adn my parents everything and anything. What i went through in canada was something that i have never went through here in the U-S. I guess maybe thats why God gives us Americans so much and people like you guys (canadian governmetan and some jelouse citizens)will always live off of us. You know what i could do alot about this after talking to my dad i mean i could even talk to the Mayor of our town who knows the Governor of seattle really well but maybe not lets see what happens next time. Looser you better kiss the ground of U-S next time you down here. Sorry my fellow Americans but me kinda mad. Dame looser canadains ( wellfare recipeints) bye. Mustafa.

Well.. you just lost any sympathy I had for you. Too bad they didn't leave you in jail longer. Maybe they also would have taught you to spell.

NetViper -= 100% Stock EBP 2000 Civic Si =- Still looking to get an NSX, but at least I can live life at 8,000 RPM!
Hello again. Netviper i wasnt looking for sympathy bro. I never asked you for you opinion (personely). As far as spelling is concerned will this is only a chatroom. I am a 27 years old professional with 2 business degrees. Thanks every one for replying. Sorry didn't mean to get off track but what can i say i mean this is the best country in the world and we have to respact it more than anything else in the world. I sure will anytime. Mustafa. O by the way Netviper get out more often will you
im surprised no one offered comments on the current times along with their sympathy.

what happened sounds horrible and my empathy and sympathy is sincerely sent to our fellow nsxer.

rather than take it personally i'd hope we can all acknowledge that these are strange times and everyone in law enforcement in incredibly tense, WITH GOOD REASON!

for the first time, i welcome law enforcement questioning me, strip searching me, and searching my car. i hope they have the resources to do this to everyone.

no, i wont like it, but i d--mn well will understand it. and i'll gladly sit for 4 hours in jail while they check me out.

im always sorry when this happens to someone, but everything has changed and i hope we can all recognize this and accept our current situation.
Ive been through the US customs 4 times, to fly back home to Malaysia (22 hours plane ride i might add, you get piles sitting in the seat for that long) and not once has the sutoms harassed me. I wonder if this customes behavior only started after the Sept 11 thing or not...
I agree with Netviper, David Allen, but I especially agree with NSXtasy, I think he hit the nail on the head with his comment. Well said Ken.
I think will this is what i sansed maybe they are jelouse

...And there you have it. Do you think this would have occurred had you been driving a Geo? I highly doubt it. This is a fact wherever you go. Jealously breeds negativity and hostility from peers to law enforcement.

When I rode with a few buddies to Canada, the border guards at the gate were extremely friendly and were interested in our bikes. One of them asked (on the way back to the US) "how long does it take you guys to get back home". We replied, "Oh, about two hours, roundtrip".
We were at the gate speaking with the agent for no more then twenty seconds each way.

If you are financially capable, I'd find an attorney that specializes in customs infractions and figure out what (if anything) you can do.

Based on your experience, I would say this was a serious act of prejudice profiling. There is NO reason you should be detained in jail unless there is a probable cause or suspicion to do so. I would take the advice of David and seek advice of a attorney specializing in this field. If nobody steps up, this will continue to occur unnecessarily.

And finally...
Sometimes it's a matter of one or two individuals who say or do something wrong; maybe they shouldn't, maybe they're having a bad day, who knows why they do something wrong. But let's not blame an entire country for the statements or actions of one or two individuals. And let's not stoop to the same level by replying to insults with more insults.

We are here to enjoy our cars and to share information and to enjoy being here. While unfortunate incidents may happen to any of us, that shouldn't be cause for us to attack each other. We usually get along pretty well here, and that's partly why many of us enjoy hanging out here. Let's treat each other with the same kind of respect we'd each expect from others.

To specific individuals, let's keep this in mind. You know who you are...

Salaam, and let us know if you decide to pursue counsil.


[This message has been edited by Prancing Horse (edited 18 February 2002).]
Actually, i DON'T work for law enforcement and they wouldnt have me if i wanted to. (too many violations)

im a 35 yr old afficionado of nsx's (own 91 nsx) who thinks this is abhorrent but UNDERSTANDABLE.

judas priests, guys, just talk to some of your favorite law dudes. youll find out that they cant control it all. there are a lot of threats out there. if you dont care about security then move to a nation that will take you.

i cant believe that im posting as a newbie, but you guys arent thinking about the ultimate issues.....