Jadkar, Happy Birthday!!!!

15 January 2003
Rye Brook, NY, USA
Gone from NSX ownership, but still a member in good standing of the NE Region, happy healthy birthday, and holidays too!!!
Happy Healthy Birthday John
Have a happy ,,,Jadkar clan....
Happy Birthday John, how's the civic?


Yeah, I'm still a Lurker ;-)

Thanks everyone for the birthday wishes!! Things are going well with us, the CRX is still going strong although I have been doing a lot of flying and motorcycle riding lately rather than driving.

I'd really like to get together with you guys at some point even if we do an informal lunch one day. Who can I get in touch with to make that happen??

Yeah, I'm still a Lurker ;-)

Thanks everyone for the birthday wishes!! Things are going well with us, the CRX is still going strong although I have been doing a lot of flying and motorcycle riding lately rather than driving.

I'd really like to get together with you guys at some point even if we do an informal lunch one day. Who can I get in touch with to make that happen??

Create a post or thread or just PM the people whom you want to invite....

Happy belated Bday John