I've just about had it

20 January 2004
Well, after getting nailed by a Prime member on a misrepresented set of wheels I decided months ago it was time to have a set built. Put an ad up on Prime for my '02 wheels, sold them very cheap to another Prime member and gave him a free set of tires to boot, he was young and on a tight budget. When they arrive he informs me that the tires are more worn than he hoped they would be and tells me that he's going to give me negative feedback even though I gave him those tires as a gift! I even offered to give him his money back, but for what he paid he wasn't about to do that. Should've taken all that as a sign.
Placed an order with iForged, after months of waiting the wheels that arrive are not what I ordered. What's worse, I was told the wheels would be ~ 23 lbs each, the 18" rears weighed 30.5 lbs. Vince @ iForged told me my scale was broken. After some stressfull conversations, I was told they could not build what I ordered and refunded my money.
Next I tried to purchase wheels from Mark @ Dali. I know alot of you have had very bad experiences with him, but i've done business with him for a couple years now and all has gone well. Up to now. I always defended Mark whenever someone said he ripped them off, well now he's flaked out on me as well. Over a month was wasted.
After all that I decided I would just go back to '02 wheels and take the loss of selling the other ones. Purchased a set from a Prime member...turns out he's ripped off many ppl here and on other forums. My fault for not checking the guy out more, I normally do. You can guess what happened, he never shipped the wheels/tires and stopped returning my calls and msgs. Found out where he lived and left him one final msg that I was catching a flight to come and 'see' him, and I started making arrangements to head out to Macarthur airport. My money was paypal'd back before I could even purchase a ticket.
That brings us to two days ago, when I called sos and purchased a set of Volks. Chris told me the price increase would take effect the following day so I would need to give some payment that day. I said no problem but my card didn't authorize. Turns out b/c I just moved they only needed to put my old address until the cc company processed my new address. I called sos back, they said they would run the card through and I asked that they please call me back to confirm everything was fine. Never heard back that day or the next, and they never charged my card. To be honest that's the third time in a row that Chris hasn't called me back on something. When Seth was there he always got back to me. I'm giving up on wheels and have been scammed and let down so much that i'm now strongly considering selling my second NSX. Not sure if any of you remember how I got nailed on my first NSX, but I put thousands and thousands into that car to make it right again. I've just had it...i'm sure a few of you will say goodbye and not give it a second thought, but I know this resonates with some of you. Sorry to complain, and for the long post, but I just need to get this off my chest. Anyone want to buy a '97 NSX in incredible condition?
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Take a deep breath, relax and call Ben at Wheels Boutique at 866-519-4335. Hit 0 for the operator and make sure you get Ben on the phone and tell him I sent you. You can check out the wheels they sell on their http://www.wheelsboutique.com/. They can source just about any wheel out there.
Don't take it out on the car & yourself for other people being a-holes. Try to do something else or worry about something else for a week or two to get your mind off this. Let your future cooler head prevail. Consider contacting Fiske for what you want, they have a good template on their website that shows all the measurments they need to build you some wheels. Or try RP Motorsports on prime. He is a little slow on wheels according to posts here(beyond his control), but good. Good luck.
I wish that my current problem was only related to wheels for an NSX. I just lost tens of thousands of dollars that I will never collect from a patient finance company that decided to sell my accounts and not pay me a penny. To make things worse, I have to complete all of the treatment for these patients even though I will never get paid.

If you want to sell your NSX for the equivalent of the money that I lost, we can do an even trade. I'll take your car, you take my account receivables. Don't let the sour grapes of a bad experience make you sell your car.
Where in NY are u located?
If your seriously looking to get rid of it pm me with the details.:biggrin:
Man that really is a string of bad luck... who would take your money and not send wheels? I can't believe there are people that dishonest out there. Its good you got paypal'ed back.

I have dealt with Ben at wheels boutique when I had my Mercedes and had a good experience with him. I bought the brakes off his personal SL55 and he gave me a great deal. I think he is a good guy and you should give him a try.

Your luck is bound to turn around... :smile:
DocL said:
I'll take your car, you take my account receivables. Don't let the sour grapes of a bad experience make you sell your car.

I might be interested in buying your account receivables with my partner from Brooklyn, Vinnie Bag 'O Doughnuts.
Hugh said:
I might be interested in buying your account receivables with my partner from Brooklyn, Vinnie Bag 'O Doughnuts.

I've already called Moose and Rocco. They may be taking a trip to Jacksonville soon.
TyraNSX...tried Fikse, took two weeks just to get back to me re: BBK fitment, and they have no high pad whatsoever unless you go to their new Profil series, which is even more expensive.

Moogie...D2 is owned by Derrick Williams, i've known him for years and placed the iForged order through him. Was no help.

Hugh...hey, I resemble that man :), i'm from Brooklyn originally.

Guys, I appreciate the positive responses, and I feel reminded as to the quality of some members on here.

- Jon

P.S. - Check out this thread, a member just asked Chris if the GT-N's were still available and he said yes. I gave Chris my credit card for that set days ago. Let the other guy have them at this point, i'm done.
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