I've been invited to the Supernationals!

4 October 2004
Albuquerque and Santa Fe, NM
My Silverstone 2001 Supercharged NSX has been invited to participate in the Supernationals Car Show at Expo New Mexico next weekend, Feb 3, 4, and 5.

This event draws beautiful cars from around the country, and I'm quite pleased to be included. Hopefully all my fellow Albuquerque NSXers can come out to the show.

Can't wait to post a follow-up report!

Should be a great show. Glad to see that an NSX was asked to be included.
Your car will represent us well!!!October 2011 NSX weekend 004.jpg
Very cool Philippe! I'm glad there's an exotic car category and a local NSX was chosen.

I'll be there!!! See you on Saturday.

Should be a great show. Glad to see that an NSX was asked to be included.
Your car will represent us well!!!
<img src="http://nsxprime.com/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=83596
" border="0"/>
i remember that morning :smile:

...i think it ended like...
<img src="http://nsxprime.com/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=83668&stc=1&d=1328059444" border="0"/>

have fun Philippe!


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I went Friday night and was so supprised to see your beautiful car at the show.!

I even had to do a bit of security work when a little girl was trying to get into that wrx across from you. I made sure that little girl and her disrespectful parents didn't get close!
Hey, Doug, thanks for looking out for my car. Did you notice that my NSX was positioned in a less than prominant place in the show? I was a little disappointed in that. However, I was still proud to have my car in the expo.

Thanks to everyone of my fellow NSXers who made it out to the Supernationals. There were some really sharp vehicles there.
