I've been holding off for a while..

12 November 2002
Spokane, WA
BUT it had to be done. I just posted my NSX up for sale today. My favorite car on the planet, and I'm selling it! THE BEST car in the world! The one and only, the NSX! My elders think It's wise, my friends think I'm crazy, and I don't know what to think; I'd hope for a little of the former. My only comfort is that one day, I'll buy another. And I WILL buy another.
I wasn't forced into doing this. I wasn't even pursuaded to do such a thing. I'm doing this all on my own. I can afford to keep my NSX, but I need to look ahead further than just today or even the next year. Heck, maybe I'll find a killer job and be so set, I can buy another one soon, cash, and not worry about the future.. not likely:rolleyes:.
You see?, I want to have a good future ahead of me, financially. I figure if I sell my NSX, take the profit, and invest, I'll be better off in the long run. I'm just 23 this past May. I'm going to try to retire at an age when I can still enjoy life.. not that I'm not going to still live it up, now:D. I usually don't waver from my plans.. just like buying my dream car.. the NSX.
If I had to do it all over again, though, I'd still go back and buy my NSX. The NSX is such a wonderful car, and I am left with no regrets.
I just want to keep it forever, but I know it's for the better.:(


PS: In the meantime, it won't be too bad.. I've got my sights set on the Honda CBR600RR.:D
I recently sold mine and knowing that I will have another in the future makes it at least feel easier. Like yourself, I was not forced to sell the car and am 100% sure that I will have another one without question.

Just look at it this way.... so many people leased on that $799.00/mo deal that will not buy those cars and the market will be ready and willing with 02's one day :D

ajnsx- thanks
satan_srv- I know.. I can't wait to get my hands on one.:D
Aaron- I'm looking forward to those 02's. I'd really like to get a "Monte Carlo Blue" NSX.. when I get one again.. long from now.


Don’t do it man! Tough it out, work smarter and by all means don’t sell it!


I know the feeling, My NSX is also up for sale and I’m not looking forward to living with out one. On the bright side, when we ready to buy our next NSX they will cost less.
steveny- This is very true. I often go to my Dad when I need advice about whatever comes up. Although, he said "wwhat??!," when I told him I was going to sell it, lol.;) Then I told him why, and he said "good idea."
vintagecarman- You're right, I'm just going to keep it.:D j/k! The future is bright, I just need to stay positive. It won't be as fun without one, but I'll get another eventually.;)

what are you going to invest in? real estate, biotech, nanotech? further education maybe?

I actually picked up my NSX at age 23. My present to myself for completing college and getting a decent job =) A bunch of 30+ year olds scared me by telling me I need to get my toys now while i still can heh. I figure at this point an older NSX isn't going to depreciate to quickly and if you need a car to commute in it's not a bad choice.
dawggpie- Hey, I picked mine up young, too.. 22. You only live young once, right?:D Well, I'm going to take what I skim off the top of my loan (by paying it off) and invest in some mutual funds. I'll play around with some stocks, too, aside from my m.f. I agree, the NSX is not a bad choice for a commuter.:rolleyes: :D Congrats on the college graduation and new job!

I will too have to sell my NSX pretty soon, the car is paid for already... but I am planning to go back to school for a better career. I am not going to have time to drive it that often anymore if I have to go out of CA for school. I am still trying to hang on to it till the last day when I really have to sell. I can foresee the sad future, but I will buy a new one whenever I get out of school:D
Xcite50- Like ajnsx said, how our priorities change. We just need to look further ahead than the near future, to when we get new NSX's.;) In the meantime, you should just buy a beater NSX to get you to and from school, lol! j/k:D Good luck with school.

Dave you're my hero! :D

seriously, that takes some cojones to make a major sacrifice like that. i wish i could say i had my priorities in order as well as you.
beeker16- Thanks!! I guess we all get chances to make both stupid and wise decisions every once in a while. Believe me, I've made quite a few stupid decisions before with more to come, I'm sure. This just happens to be one of my wiser moments, I guess. Lets just hope it all works out!:D
