Its Snowingt here!

17 August 2002
Cold, snow north...
I came to Baltimore to get away from snow like this. What happened?

Nsxtacy, you were right, I need a truck again.

I have to admit, it would have been funny to see how far I got up north to my home in PA if I did get a lotus.

I miss my range rover

Resident E38er

-97 NSX "Nina"
We got about 8-10 inches. People around here really, really don't know how to drive in snow. I just don't understand how so many people wreck their cars in the snow. It's not like ice where you might not see it until it's too late. Several inches of snow is pretty freaking obvious.

I remember last year I was driving through South Carolina when a big snow storm hit. I literally saw 50 people wreck on the Interstate within a mile. I pulled off at an exit ramp because I was afraid of being hit by someone spinning out of control. I sat there in a parking lot right off the exit ramp watching vehicle after vehicle spin off the Interstate. More than once I saw multiple cars in the act of spinning off the road at the same time! People would try to take the same exit ramp I had taken and they'd come into it at 65MPH and just go straight off where the ramp started to curve because they were going way too fast.

There have been thousands of accidents from just this one storm. What the heck is wrong with people??? I really find it hard to believe that many people are really that stupid, but the evidence seems to be overwhelming.
Dang,, you guys are "lucky" lol.. I'm in North Dallas and so far this year the closest thing to snow is a overnight freeze with temps in the mid to upper 20's. Problem with frozen precip here though is that when it snows, it sleets so all the roads are freakin Icy and everyone goes sliding around like a bunch of idiots. Not like they know how to drive in dry weather hehe. Northeast is drenched in frozen precip. I wouldnt mind some over here in Dallas! Of course after a few days it gets old and is considered a "handicap"
We've probably had 6-8 inches in MD and it's still going strong. Driving to work this morning, I saw all the idiots who think that 4wd means you can ignore the snow. All the 4wds with new temp tags were flying by me at 70mph. I was waiting for the first sign of brake lights to result in a pile up of idiots. Fortunately, I was able to get off the interstate before anything happened.

Drive safe.
65 and sunny here. We are expecting some light rain Friday but should stop for the weekend.

Lud, you are right...what in the hell is wrong with people? Our major weather factor here in the Central Valley is Winter FOG. Fog so thick that seeing 15 feet beyond your hood is impossible. And yet there are thousands of accidents every year from people driving too fast for conditions.

On those days were visible is near 0 feet, I drive about 20mph, unless I get lucky and get behind a faster moving truck, then I follow the lights of the truck while still maintaining a safe distance. But it's amazing how many people go wizzing past me...probably 50-60 mph. If some thing is in front of the car at that speed, they would hit the object before they could move their foot off the accelerator and on to the brake. It's pretty much like driving blind. And yet, people do it, and people die. Just amazing

1994 Green-black roof/tan, 5 speed
Do you know of another Green-Black roof NSX?? Please email me if you do.

[This message has been edited by Litesokneecough (edited 05 December 2002).]
Originally posted by Litesokneecough:
North of Fresno, about an hour drive in the city of Merced is where I reside.

Cool. My brother lives in Fresno, and mentioned the fog you guys were getting. He had the same complaint about crazy mofos speeding in it.

By the way, your car is sweet!
Funny thing is, I actually saw a 97+ Spa Yellow out driving around yesterday afternoon in Tyson's Corner area. That was a a brave man to venture out on the snow and ice covered roads. Only the main roads were semi-plowed at that time. I hope he made it home without any incedents.

Perhaps he had snow tires : )
Originally posted by Sig:
Funny thing is, I actually saw a 97+ Spa Yellow out driving around yesterday afternoon in Tyson's Corner area. That was a a brave man to venture out on the snow and ice covered roads. Only the main roads were semi-plowed at that time. I hope he made it home without any incedents.

Perhaps he had snow tires : )

I was watching the news yesterday morning and there were many RWD cars stuck trying to go up the hill around Tysons Corner. One of them, a Mustang GT owner was struggling and he ended up causing quite a traffic. They kept on showing his mustang spinning tires and his interview many many times. I'm glad the yellow NSX guy didn't get stuck like that and caught in the sillyness.