Its Friday the 13th and we have a Hurricane Coming down on us

24 March 2003
Melbourne, FL
Itsn't it funny how things line up sometimes?

Being that I am over on the east coast of FL I don't expect to get too much trouble from Charley, but I was wondering how the members on the West Florida coast are doing? Do you have your NSXes in safe places?
Well as of 2:00 Charlie is a catagory 4 and is looking to come ashore around Fort Meyers instead of Tampa as they were thinking earlier.

Melbourne is now looking at winds reaching into the 50 mph area, but that is still not very bad at all. I really feel bad for the west coast people who are now facing 145+ MPH winds and a huge storm surge. :(
It looks like we are going to get a good bit of it, but i am sure it will be a lot weaker by the time it hits savannah.