Today I removed my front brake pads and rotors getting ready to install new ones for SOS (due sometime soon I hope??) and I discoved a problem with one of my front calipers. One of the piston boots of the right front caliper has a bad tear (hole) in it. :frown: The strange thing is though I was not leaking any brake fluid.
The question I have is do I need to buy a new right front caliper (approx. $563 from Delray Acura) or is it possible/advisable to rebuild the caliper replacing the two pistons, two piston boots, and two piston seals (approx. $161 from Delray Acura)?
If it is possible/advisable to rebuild the front caliper does anyone have DIY instructions available?
The question I have is do I need to buy a new right front caliper (approx. $563 from Delray Acura) or is it possible/advisable to rebuild the caliper replacing the two pistons, two piston boots, and two piston seals (approx. $161 from Delray Acura)?
If it is possible/advisable to rebuild the front caliper does anyone have DIY instructions available?