It Official I am moving to Houston!

13 June 2003
Houston TX
It's Official I am moving to Houston!

I start my new job on May 1st, as soon as my house sells I will be moving down permenantly. Until then I will be commuting weekly. I can't wait to get my car out the snow and drive it year round.

What are some of the car events that go on during the summer? I would hope to be moved down by July at the latest.

Thanks and I look forward to meeting a bunch of new NSXers.:biggrin:
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NSteXpo is a nice summer event if someone steps forward to organize it... There is always a bunch of enthusiasm once the ball starts rolling- it is just getting it rolling that is a Bi#@h.

SamBel did a great job last year from what I heard. My participation was precluded when the ex had a car wreck on gameday, but the pictures look like there were a lot of others who made it out.

Welcome to Texas.