It has been a long time fellow NSX members. It took me 10 years but I'm back. :)

3 February 2014
Well almost... I am looking at this 2001 NSX that is supercharged! With 98k miles, what should I look for? Besides the usual? I will post some pictures later but it has been converted to 02 headlights!! A plus in my book and it look like they did a good job. The thing is I am in California and car is in El Paso Texas.

I will posted pictures and vin when I get home.
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Wow, that sounds like a nice car! What color is it?

Welcome back! What was your username before? I see you just registered in Feb 2014 and this was your very first post.

I hope everything goes well with your purchase!
First of all I LOVE NSXPRIME!!! I am finalizing the purchase and hopefully will have my new found love by Monday 2-10-14. In the past lets just say I was young and dumb (22 years old) and did not make a good first impression so let start with new beginnings. The car is very very VERY nice, and did belong to another NSXPRIME member but I will share my whole story once the car is in my possession, and yes I will post pictures. I will explain my whole ordeal and why I could not give too much information just yet, It will be a good read and I hope some of you will be sitting while you are reading.
First of all I LOVE NSXPRIME!!! I am finalizing the purchase and hopefully will have my new found love by Monday 2-10-14. In the past lets just say I was young and dumb (22 years old) and did not make a good first impression so let start with new beginnings. The car is very very VERY nice, and did belong to another NSXPRIME member but I will share my whole story once the car is in my possession, and yes I will post pictures. I will explain my whole ordeal and why I could not give too much information just yet, It will be a good read and I hope some of you will be sitting while you are reading.

Feb 10, 2014 is not far away at all! I will await your post! Looking forward to hear a great story. Hopefully with plenty of photos too :)
well since you didn't post the VIN or links I hope we don't know anything about the car that you don't.

remember carfax and the owners word don't mean shit.


NSXPRIME can hunt down a missing screw in a snowstorm we have saved people before but info is what we need. before you sign on the dotted line
Thanks Shawn I actually took your advice and not to worry about higher mileage cars. Also I been reading and reading and reading and reading about everything to look out for. But don't want to spoil the story so I'll end here.

I am debating about driving the car back from Texas to California. Or have it shipped the trip will be 750 miles, if shipped I will have to wait even longer then expected TOO MANY SLEEPLESS NIGHTS. Also I just don't trust these shipping companies I had a buddy that shipped his 350z Nizmo brand new, they dropped it causing 15k in repairs!!! They paid to have it fixed but to me a car that got that much damage will never be the same in my eyes. Especially an NSX I read somewhere a guy started his car had it in gear car launched forward and tweaked the frame some how. So I probably just stay away from shipping. Any advise on long drives?
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Congratulations on the impending purchase. From El Paso you can easily make it to Phoenix, spend the night and have about 6-6.5 hrs drive the next day to L.A. I would get a PPI done before starting the journey, or in Phoenix at the latest.
I just hope it not a yellow SC NSX that has been moving from state to state.

SOS is in the phoenix area and there is a strong local owners group you could meet while having the car inspected..make a long weekend of it.We love long stories.
Not yellow but has been bouncing around the country with 4 owners but I have done my due diligence and researched very aggressively also with help from a prime owner. I am sure I made a good decision, wait till you here the whole story.
.............lets get a good fire going....we'll all sit around it as you weave a fantastical tale of the nsx hunt....
SPOILER ALERT!!! just kidding "wink, wink" if you guys were driving long distance would you blue mask tape the front bumper? How is the drove from Texas to Cali any of the crazy weather I should look out for? Thanks
If it's a pristine car and you want to keep it that way, put blue tape on it. But personally, I would like to take tons of photos as I enjoy the road trip, and I wouldn't want to have blue tape on for those photos.

Have a safe and great drive!!!
Traffic in the main metropolitan areas of El Paso and Phoenix are the main issues along with heavy monsoonal rains. Avoid driving in either during normal commute times and you should be fine. There can be dust storms (even this time of year) in Az and NM and watch your speed around Lordsburg,N.M.
Rather than painters tape ( which comes off in rain/ fog) try to find a product like Road Wrap, which is a temporary plastic film. It is a clear product and can be left on for up to a week.
Safe travels.
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I wish I could enjoy the drive back, but this will be more of a mission drive back, the plan is to fly in Sunday, sleep, pick up car Monday 8-9 am and start driving back. Goal is to be back in cali by Monday evening, get back to work so I can make payments one the car lol.
Ah, the good old 10 west. I made it a point to swing north this time. Have a safe trip! Just got my car in Dallas and heading West as well - we're just missing each other by a week:)
Spoiler alert!!! I know I am dreading the drive through Arizona I hear speed cams, and highway patrol very anal out there, very strict 60mph law.

I wish I could attach some pictures, but I never figured out how with a phone or ipad.
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Watch for the 80 mph signs in west Texas to help a little on your long 20 hour plus trip! In and around the metropolitan areas is where most of the speed enforcement is located. Outside of those areas you can fly, your early warning of traffic enforcement is when the long haul trucks are bunched up. In Arizona there is a "Homeland Security" check point (day or night) where you will be slowed momentarily, but it's no big deal. And it's moved periodically to new locations along I-10 so be aware.
The CHP works the area pretty heavily just over the border into California, so watch your speed or find yourself a "rabbit" to run interference. Here's hoping you have an uneventful trip.
Hi Ladies and Gentlemen, My humble apologies, I am still recovering from the drive. I promise it will be a good read full of pictures. All I can say is IM BACK!!!!!!!!!!! :biggrin:

That's El Paso air port there, I had just finished a 3 page story last night hit save, and got this ERROR page lost everything. Back to the key pad tonight.
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