Is this salvaged NSX for real JH4NA2162YT000155

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From what I've heard, the minimum amount of damage estimate required for an insurance company to total a car is in the range of somewhere between 65 and 80 percent of the car's market value.

I agree with your suspicions.
Re: Is this salvaged NSX for real

it sounds absurd that an insurance company would salvage a car with 7k in damage...what do you guys think...i always feel like i'm being lied to when people don't just come out and was totaled but i did: blah blah blah to fix it....

I saw that same ad and was immediately suspicious. It sounds like a load of crap to me unless they can support it with documentation.
Re: Is this salvaged NSX for real

Insurance companies are CHEAP and will not total a car for $7K. If it sounds suspicious it is because it does not make any sense.
Re: Is this salvaged NSX for real

pictures have different resolutions.
Re: Is this salvaged NSX for real

45k for a salvage? Kind of steep don't you think?
You should go strait to the source !!!

Before I get in the mood to say F" YOU !!!

let me Just say I met a lot of cool people on prime but now I see how the less desirables can come out !!!!

I can back my words up along with the ad, the parts count, THE COST and the F" YOU !!!

I know the person personally who replaced all the parts and the paint so come to me and let me show you the proof before yoU talk behind my back !!!

I am in the position to have to prove what I say so before you doubt me why don't you pull my coat tail like I am pulling all of yours who have stuff to say without knowing the real truth....

The insurance adjuster goes by parts, "Labor", availability to parts, paint and misc cost associated.... The person who did the work does nothing but nsx's and bmw work and the TOTAL cost out of pocket was less then 7k... period !!!

LABOR is what drives the cost up on these cars to repair, a lot of people have access to parts at a good deal... just ask the guys at SOS, DALI, COMTECH etc... if you know the right people you can get things done very inexpensive !!!

Thats the truth, But That isn't good enough for most of you I see..COOL !!!!

Which one of you members who talk behind my back and put a post to smear my name and trustability wants to prove me wrong ???

I have the car, The person who does the repairs and the proof of what I post !!!!

I have never posted Anything negative about ANYONE without checking it out for myself....


I live in sacramento and would be glad to drive to a spot to let ANYONE who has any mechanical skill to check the car out and then tell me if what I say is not true... ANYONE !!! I would not sell the car for as much as I ask if it wasn't everything I say it is !!!!

I have all the inspection reports to show the accuracy of my ad and I have the new pink which you can NOT get without the inspections being done !!!

I called your bluff... who is bold enough to call mine ...?
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Re: Is this salvaged NSX for real

pictures have different resolutions.

pics were taken at 2 different times with 2 different cameras !!!

what's up with the doubt !!!!????

Your addition to this post isn't helping....

but I proved my picture taking ability with the first 3 pics
sorry you didn't like the rest !
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Re: Is this salvaged NSX for real

it sounds absurd that an insurance company would salvage a car with 7k in damage...what do you guys think...i always feel like i'm being lied to when people don't just come out and was totaled but i did: blah blah blah to fix it....

I would say the car was totalled if it was !!!!


I have posted, sold, gave tips and purchased things from prime....


I am ready to prove my cost and car any day !!!!!

By the way, why don't you put your money where your mouth is ?!?!?!
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Re: Is this salvaged NSX for real

From what I've heard, the minimum amount of damage estimate required for an insurance company to total a car is in the range of somewhere between 65 and 80 percent of the car's market value.

I agree with your suspicions.

Insurance is a funny GAME !!!!!

if you ever had to deal with insurance companies then you would have held back from giving your 2 cents cause that is all is was worth !!!

Sometimes the cost of 1 item in the opinon of one insurance companies eyes can be totally different in anothers !

I have delt with insurance and they were going to total a 99 lexus ls400 in excellent condition cost 24k at the time.... totaled for a fender bender which only cost 2300 dollars ??? I faught and proved my case and won the clean title.... the owner befor me didn't and cashed out on the 2000 nsx !!!!

never ceases to amaze me how one would comment on a subject that he or she has never investigated for them selves and be so wrong !
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Re: Is this salvaged NSX for real

45k for a salvage? Kind of steep don't you think?

45k for a totaled car would be steep.... this car is in excellent condition !

salvaged title scares a lot of people but you don't drive the title... you drive the CAR !!!

If someone told me the car is salvaged I would ask what was repaired... nOT automatically assume it was totalled !!!

All I ask is that if you live in sacramento then ask to see the car... not judge the cost against all other salvaged cars cause it was NOT totaled....

every car has a flaw... the flaw in this car is the title only !!!

The car is in as new if not better condition then the condition prior to the damages !

just like getting a new transmission... why assume the car is defective if it has a new transmission then think "IT HAS A NEW TRANSMISSION !" ...
That to me is better then having an original transmission with problems !

I would rather have a car that I knew the history and had inspection reports then a car that didn't, there was no engine damage, no drive train damage, no tranny damage, no radiator damage, no electrical damage and I have the inspections to prove it !
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Re: Is this salvaged NSX for real

Jeeze, shaw calm down. Nobody called you a liar and a cheat... they just didn't have the full story nor did you post the full story in your ad. Any good buyer would ask these same questions and if you fly off the handle and start screaming then you'll never sell your car. Chill out man. It will be hard to sell this car on prime not because its a salvage... but because of your attitude.

I'm gonna say this as nicely as possible... you freakin out over some questions makes you look both immature and like you have something to hide.
Re: Is this salvaged NSX for real

I am sure everyone here is reassured the character, eloquence, and professionalism you've shown to your Prime potential customer base. Best of luck on the sale.
Re: Is this salvaged NSX for real

I am sure everyone here is reassured the character, eloquence, and professionalism you've shown to your Prime potential customer base. Best of luck on the sale.

Quote...character, eloquence, and professionalism you've shown to your Prime potential .....


That is what you call yourselves posting doubt about me and my ad ???

I will say this, I was a bit colorful in my response and reaction because I was just browsing the prime fourm and I run across

"Is this salvaged NSX for real"

And find out it is a whole post dedicated to me and my car... And was up for discussion WITHOUT ANYONE asking me one question or seeing the car one time....

ANYONE would have been angry if they saw a post about them or thier car and there was nothing but doubt being thrown around....


So it makes a difference when no one took the time to ask me a single question and there are 4,5 or 6 negative responses for all to read which may or may not sway a decision on the validity of my ad ...

In any case you guys DIDN'T HELP IT IN ANY WAY by NOT collecting ANY facts For the post !!!!

So YES, I was PISSED to find me in the middle of discussion with no reason other then to doubt my truth and character towards selling my vehicle.

If I have Offended Anyone... WHICH I DID IN A BIG WAY.... I can be MAN enough to Apologise !


This is a public forum for all to read and the cuss words were a little (LOT) overboard...
To Those Who Were Offended ....I apologise.... I will remove for all to read without offence !

BUT, To those who never even asked me one question then I say CHECK THE FACTS befor you start a post that has the potential to offset the sell of a vehicle or gets to the eyes of the person you are talking about without talking to that person first and allow for my own post to be made !!!! ... not necessary, right ?

I respect NSX PRIME.... I have used this forum for some Real GOOD advice and purchases...
But never would I expect to see this forum used to cut down a member of good standing without getting their facts strait..... You guys ALWAYS talk about getting facts befor writting any post !!!

I will allow my anger to subside and remove the cuss words and post that I put up for all to read about the people that I blasted....

Maybe YOU SHOULD DO THE SAME with the post you put up about and against me and my car !!!!!

Thank You for your Attention Which I got PLENTY OF with those post I put up....

See how fast things can get OUT OF HAND with just a few choice words !!!!

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Re: Is this salvaged NSX for real

Quote...character, eloquence, and professionalism you've shown to your Prime potential ..... WHERE IS YOURS ??? that is what you call yourselves posting doubt about me and my ad ???

I will say this, I was a bit colorful in my response and reaction because I was just browsing the prime fourm and I run across "Is this salvaged NSX for real" and find out it is a whole post dedicated to me and my car was up for discussion WITHOUT ANYONE asking me one question or seeing the car 1 time.... ANYONE would have been angry if they saw a whole post about them or thier car and there was nothing but doubt being thrown around and I AM TRYING TO SELL A CAR !!!! so it makes a difference when no one took the time to ask me a single question and there is 4,5 or 6 negative responses for all to read which may or may not sway a decision on the validity of my ad ...

In any case you guys DIDN'T HELP IT IN ANY WAY !!!!

So YES, I was PISSED to find me in the middle of discussion with no reason other then to doubt my truth and character towards selling a vehicle.

If I have Offended Anyone... WHICH I DID IN A BIG WAY....


This is a public forum and the cuss words were a little overboard... To Those Who Were Offended I apologise.... BUT, To those who never even asked me one question then I say CHECK THE FACTS befor you start a post that has the potential to offset the sell of a vehicle or gets to the eyes of the person you are talking about without talking to that person first !!!!

I respect NSX PRIME.... I have used this forum for some Real GOOD advice but never would I expect to see this forum used to cut down a member of good standing without getting their facts strait.....

I will allow my anger to subside and remove the cuss words and post that I put up for all to read about the people that I blasted....

Maybe you should do the same with the post you put up against me and my car !!!!!

Thank You for your Attention Which I got PLENTY OF with those post I put up.... See how fast things can get OUT OF HAND with just with words !!!!


First: My post is above, in it's unedited entirety. You'll notice I've made no comment on your car, only on the way YOU have conducted yourself here. Maybe YOU ought to get your facts straight.

Second: Even the (extremely edited) remains of all your posts above is enough to clearly illustrate the point in my previous post.

Third: You say you respect the people here. Your apology is amongst the worst I've ever seen to the people you cursed at and railed on for 5 consecutive posts earlier.

Fourth: As best I can tell you STILL haven't answered the questions on peoples' minds: How does a $45k+ car with $7k of damage get a salvage title? What was the accident? What on the car was repaired?

Fifth: It is nobody's job here to sell your car except yours. I would think that the best way to sell that car would be for a legitimate question to be answered honestly and courteously. This thread (or your ad) would have been a great place to do that. Oops.

I'm done in this thread. As I said before, good luck with your sale.
Re: Is this salvaged NSX for real

Plain and simple it's a bit misleading to say it only had 7K in repairs needed to fix it...cause most of us here know that 7k doesn't get you far...but you meant 7K worth of amazing deals on parts...and free labor...come on man...just realize that we're trying to gauge how bad the original damage was, you should probably clerify that in your original post and tell people the insurance company thought it was 25k in repairs but me and my buddy were able to do it for 7K...and just to give you another tip...a salvage title isn't just a small problem that comes with any used's something the limits the resale value of the vehicle...PERIOD. You're about to learn that, if not the sucker you find to buy it will learn it when they get burned.
Re: Is this salvaged NSX for real

Plain and simple it's a bit misleading to say it only had 7K in repairs needed to fix it...cause most of us here know that 7k doesn't get you far...but you meant 7K worth of amazing deals on parts...and free labor...come on man...just realize that we're trying to gauge how bad the original damage was, you should probably clerify that in your original post and tell people the insurance company thought it was 25k in repairs but me and my buddy were able to do it for 7K...and just to give you another tip...a salvage title isn't just a small problem that comes with any used's something the limits the resale value of the vehicle...PERIOD. You're about to learn that, if not the sucker you find to buy it will learn it when they get burned.

I can not tell you that me and my buddies did the work CAUSE WE DIDN'T !!!!

OK,lets get real !!!!

The car as it stood after the accident from the original owner had X-amount of damages... I do not know the original amount of damage cause it was totaled and sold by the auction who posessed it...

I then purchased it from a gentleman who fixed it for LESS then 7k... PLAIN AND SIMPLE !!!!

all factory parts, all new and all inspected !!!!

There is nothing else to say....I could get symantical and say what kind of paint was used, the toque specs he used to tighten the bolts etc...

but the facts remain, the Insurance company should NOT have salvage titled this car... mistakes happen and I benefited from it !!!

that is the last anyone should have to say about it UNTIL they look at the car PERIOD !!!!!!
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Re: Is this salvaged NSX for real

I hope this forum is a lessen to everyone who reads it !!!

EVERYONES credibility and ads are on trial to people who have no position to put ANYONE in a Personal post !!!

NO ONE is protected from being picked out of 100's of post and being Scrutinized without a shread of proof or evidence to back up the negative spin some Prime members used from words spoken from information posted about my ad ! (These members by the way do NOT represent the prime forum as a whole as a member suggested and AGREED with me pointed out) Just haters who have nothing better to do !

This is not poised at NSX Prime members in general... Just those who get involved in business that is none of their own !!!
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Re: Is this salvaged NSX for real

First: My post is above, in it's unedited entirety. You'll notice I've made no comment on your car, only on the way YOU have conducted yourself here. Maybe YOU ought to get your facts straight.

Second: Even the (extremely edited) remains of all your posts above is enough to clearly illustrate the point in my previous post.

Third: You say you respect the people here. Your apology is amongst the worst I've ever seen to the people you cursed at and railed on for 5 consecutive posts earlier.

Fourth: As best I can tell you STILL haven't answered the questions on peoples' minds: How does a $45k+ car with $7k of damage get a salvage title? What was the accident? What on the car was repaired?

Fifth: It is nobody's job here to sell your car except yours. I would think that the best way to sell that car would be for a legitimate question to be answered honestly and courteously. This thread (or your ad) would have been a great place to do that. Oops.

I'm done in this thread. As I said before, good luck with your sale.

First through Fifth.... What was the purpose of this post ?????

It surely was not to benefit me or my ad so I will say as I said befor....




Re: Is this salvaged NSX for real

My previous NSX was valued at 65K and it was totaled with 46K in damages. The insurance company insisted on fixing it, until I told them I am self employed and would take Fridays off and bring my car to the bodyshop weekly to fix it until it was right, so keep the checkbook that point, they decided to total it.
It was only about the book value of the car vs. repairs. It was the 80% rule for my insurance company.
Re: Is this salvaged NSX for real

This is a waist of a thread if you are interested in buying his nsx then fly over there and inspect it yourself , if your not interested let the guy do what he wants its not hurting you if your not buying it now is it? Pics do look bad but thats what he has for now. If you really want to prove him wrong do what he says and fly over there. Now lets all calm down and forget about this:rolleyes: .Id be mad to if i found a thread behind my back about me . :tongue: :mad:
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