Is this a Zanardi Edition?

Sorry for asking...I just thought it looked like it was priced low, but that shows how much I know I guess :(
AutoEuphoria said:
Sorry for asking...I just thought it looked like it was priced low, but that shows how much I know I guess :(

Don't be sorry, I don't think anyone was trying to be on your case about it. I was just sharing a little info. I guess my 'tone' wasn't very clear in my original post. If I came across as 'gruff' I apologize.
I wasn't trying to be "in your face", either. I was just trying to be concise. :D

That price is typical for a Zanardi, maybe even slightly on the high side (especially when you take into account the faults mentioned in the topic linked above).
I really hope there is a nice Zanardi Edition left when I start looking for one. Seems like most of them have had rough lives. :frown:
Meeyatch1 said:
I really hope there is a nice Zanardi Edition left when I start looking for one. Seems like most of them have had rough lives. :frown:

There is one for sale in the Prime classifieds right now. Not #28 either.