Is there a way to add an extra front hood fastener that is unseen?

15 September 2011
Melbourne, Australia
In Australia we have a track requirement that states "Any front hood must have 2 separate fastening systems" My hood is OEM and I do not want to fit hood pins. I was hoping someone had already thought of a clever way to comply with this regulation. Thank you in advance, Tysama.
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Thanks TURBO2GO, I was really hoping that someone had thought through a way an extra fastener could be achieved that avoids having to drill through the hood. Maybe a second version of our OEM latch ???????? If I cannot find another way to comply the Mini would probably have to be the answer.
Thanks TURBO2GO, I was really hoping that someone had thought through a way an extra fastener could be achieved that avoids having to drill through the hood. Maybe a second version of our OEM latch ???????? If I cannot find another way to comply the Mini would probably have to be the answer.

I looked for such an item and found nothing. The mini-latch is TINY, very low too. You can paint it. I don't think there is a less visible solution or one you don't have to drill for. I thinkk you will have to drill man... Sorry. :redface:
Thanks again TURBO2GO, I just had a look at a thread put up by PONYBOY who has fitted them to his car --- not bad at all. I will wait a little to see if anyone else has the answer I want. If there is nothing forthcoming it will be time to "fire up the drill man" & fit the Mini's.
In Australia we have a track requirement that states "Any front hood must have 2 separate fastening systems" My hood is OEM and I do not want to fit hood pins. I was hoping someone had already thought of a clever way to comply with this regulation. Thank you in advance, Tysama.

I'm no lawyer, but doesn't the OEM latch system qualify as "two"? --- first the release under the dash, the second the spring-loaded safety catch that must be released to lift the hood.
I'm no lawyer, but doesn't the OEM latch system qualify as "two"? --- first the release under the dash, the second the spring-loaded safety catch that must be released to lift the hood.

I think you're correct. Sounds like this rule is for older cars that don't have the hood release in the cabin.
Thanks Guys, your two posts prompted me to contact our governing body again. Spoke to the tech guy who said the rule is a little ambiguous. As my car is road registered the rules are a little softer. I think I will take both his and your lead and risk it. If it becomes an issue with a track official I will worry about it then. Thanks again. Cheers.
Seriously, as plan B, you could also just rig up a cable tether or something that you loop through the D-ring on the hood and then use a carabiner to clip it to something you could reach with the hood open less than a foot or so. It wouldn't keep it closed if the latch/safety failed, but it would keep it out of your face long enough to slow down.
That is the type of arrangement I was hoping someone had perfected R13. Maybe even something clever and simple where you could gain access to release it through the radiator intake?????? If I am ever forced to do it I will post the results.
That is the type of arrangement I was hoping someone had perfected R13. Maybe even something clever and simple where you could gain access to release it through the radiator intake?????? If I am ever forced to do it I will post the results.

Please do.
In Australia we have a track requirement that states "Any front hood must have 2 separate fastening systems" My hood is OEM and I do not want to fit hood pins. I was hoping someone had already thought of a clever way to comply with this regulation. Thank you in advance, Tysama.

That's interesting. What track events are you doing that is specifying that?
Looking at running some PIARC Super Sprints once I finally receive the parts I need. Even when you ring CAMS the ruling is a little vague. It will probably depend on the scrutineers interpretation. As you are aware the second latch always allows the hood to be open to a certain extent and it can be taken that any latch should hold the hood completely closed????
Looking at running some PIARC Super Sprints once I finally receive the parts I need. Even when you ring CAMS the ruling is a little vague. It will probably depend on the scrutineers interpretation. As you are aware the second latch always allows the hood to be open to a certain extent and it can be taken that any latch should hold the hood completely closed????

Okay for a CAMS event... Do you have a leather belt you don't mind cutting up? One with a proper pull through buckle will work as a supplementary restraint system for the bonnet. Basically, leather straps have been used on race cars ever since racing was invented. I have used this previously. I now have a bespoke design chain which is quick release so a lot easier, but I used a leather belt for many CAMS events before.

As far as the scrutineering goes, the OEM bonnet catch arguably has a second latch... There is the first "click" which needs to be released by hand and the primary lock which must be released from inside the cabin. However using a leather strap gives you a third! :wink:
You should not need an exposed latching system for the Sprint series [which are classified as a Speed Event under CAMS regulations]. They are only required for proper circuit racing, where the regulations require a bonnet and boot opening system that is both highly visible and operable from the outside of the vehicle by track marshalls. This requirement is only a recommendation for Sprint events.
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You should not need an exposed latching system for the Sprint series [which are classified as a Speed Event under CAMS regulations]. They are only required for proper circuit racing, where the regulations require a bonnet and boot opening system that is both highly visible and operable from the outside of the vehicle by track marshalls. This requirement is only a recommendation for Sprint events.

This is a different requirement.

The secondary latch is for the bonnet only and does not need to be highly visible and exposed so it is operable from the outside of the vehicle by track marshalls.

The leather strap I was describing hooks thru the bonnet D-ring on the inside and then around the radiator brace/bracket thing to provide the extra restraint as R13 described. It is hidden and not visible and will not scratch or otherwise damage the car in any way and is easily removed when you leave the track.

The primary purpose for this is that in the event of an accident the bonnet does not open and become a slicing implement. It is not primarily to stop it flying open at speed.

Sprints can be classified by the organisers as CAMS Speed Event and then you will require a CAMS L2S licence as well.

A lot of clubs are finding CAMS requirements onerous these days especially around the ambulance, paramedical and marshalls required to be in attendance which significantly increases the costs of these sprint days. Most sprints in QLD are now run under AASA not CAMS for the above and other reasons.