Is there a veterinarian on Prime?

12 March 2001
I have a odd question about my 6 year old yellow lab. About a month ago while I was sleeping I was awoken by a loud bang. My dog (Sommelier) had her head trapped under the bed. I pulled her out and she was trembling, breathing heavy and could not stand up. This went on for about 5 minutes. I put a wet towel over her and whatever had happened passed. The next day I took her to the local vet and he said she had a seizure. Everything seems fine now with the exception of now she will not stop shredding paper. This is something she did not do before the incident. It seems to be getting worse as I now make sure she has no access to paper by keeping everything out of her reach. Now she is yanking the toilet paper off the holder and shredding that. Have you heard of anything like this before. What's the best way to break her of this habit.