Is the monthly ClaimJumper NSX Sat meet going on in July?

9 June 2004
I know it's 4th weekend so it might not be going on, but there is usually an NSX meet on the first Sat of every month. Anyone know if this is the case for July?

Hi SaberX, yeah, usually we'll have an nsx meet on first sat. of the month. There are some be there regularly, they used to have an email list, but I haven't get into the email list, the meet is sort of like a luncheon thing. Occasionally, there'll be some of us do a little afternoon drive after lunch.

I couldn't get there this week but I'll try and see if I can catch you guys up after work.
I was there... but I couldn't find you guys in the restaurant...

I got there late and I didn't know who you guys were and the hostesess were of no help. I wish I knew what you guys looked like. Here's the proof!

NEXT Saturday

Hi, Guys,
Usually when a holiday falls on the first weekend of the month, we meet at the Claim Jumper in Redmond on Saturday the second weekend, 11:00 am. We'll check with Florin Lazar and make sure. We should be there, would enjoy meeting you. Looks like you found the right parking area....!
Jan Davis
"Ships passing in the night" @ The Claim Jumper

Brian (SaberX),

What a bummer. We were in a NW corner booth. Had we stuck a head around the corner of the booth we would have spotted you drive up. The white/black '93 you parked next to is Gary's (Polar). Jackson (Freelance201) arrived a little later. He also has a '93 white/black. Just three of us but you know what they say about quality over quantity. I hope Gary and Jackson enjoyed it half as much as I did.

I'll be watching this thread. If the group does meet this coming Saturday as Jan suggests I'll be there.
Re: NEXT Saturday

Jan D said:
Hi, Guys,
Usually when a holiday falls on the first weekend of the month, we meet at the Claim Jumper in Redmond on Saturday the second weekend, 11:00 am. We'll check with Florin Lazar and make sure. We should be there, would enjoy meeting you. Looks like you found the right parking area....!
Jan Davis

Hi Jan
This is Gary, I know there is a lapping event this coming sunday, July 11th with the North West Alfa Romeo Club at Pacific Raceway, they will have instructor available for the beginners.
Please visit , click on track event, and click on July 11th for their registration form.
My friend Jackson (freelance201) 93 White NSX will be there and I'm still undecided.
If you have any questions, feel free to let me know.

OK! Here's the word: Claim Jumper Restaurant July 10, 11:30 am. We park along the west (?) side. We rarely go into the restaurant right away--too busy admiring the cars. See you there! Next month, Aug. 7, Saturday, same place/time.