I disabled my passenger bag. My daughter is now 4 but has been riding in her recaro young sport car seat since the day she turned ~18 lbs @ ~1 year old, which is the minimum weight to be front facing in this particular carseat. It also fits ok in the seat between the bolsters, and actually fits between the door and center console, giving you enough room to reach the seat belt with your hand. Cheaper seats I've noticed will NOT let the door even close OR fit between the bolsters.
I'd say this is the the BEST car seat for children to ride in the nsx with. And I haven't even gotten into the details on exactly why (ex. aluminum subframe, head bolsters, side bolsters, hip bolsters, microfiber, excellent construction, adjustable headrest that goes up and down, 18-80 lb weight range, etc).
I think we live in a world of wussies.
The media has trained us well.
If its really a concern get a Hummer.
Well a child is a VERY precious thing. I wish I woulc protect my daughter in a steel fortress but I also understand that it's not realistic to do so. Some of us just slide our level of comfort around differently than others or in different amounts. For my daughter, I gave up my sportbike for the nsx even though I own more than 1 vehcle.
So I don't understand why you wrote out the nsx for the 911. Just the rear seat? It seems many of us chimed in with good things regarding the car seat and air bag. We just disable it.
Where is a good place to buy the recaro baby seats for a good price?
Don't worry about the passenger side airbag. The airbag WILL NOT reach the seat if it explodes (make sure the seat is all the way back). I've seen many blown airbags in cars including the NSX and the bag will not reach that far.