iRiver MP3 Holiday Discount for NSXPrime Members

17 September 2000
San Diego, CA
'Tis the season, and all that good stuff :D

I just want to remind those of you here on NSXPrime that I have an open invitation to NSXPrime members to get 25% off all iRiver MP3 players, plus free shipping to anywhere in the country.

Here is how you do it, if you want to take advantage:

1) Go to and check out the MP3 players we have

2) Go to our eStore and create an account for yourself

3) PM me here at the forums, letting me know that you have created an account, and I will pass it along to our eStore team, to give you 25% off any purchases you make through our eStore.

4) To get free shipping on your order, I will give you a code on reply.

Here's the deal, as NSX owners and NSXPrime members I trust that everyone will be honest, and only buy a player for themselves, or a couple for a friend, etc. I'll leave it at that since I know you are all upstanding NSX citizens :D

I figure if I have those who are interested PM me here, it will keep trollers on the forum from picking up a deal that is really just meant for the NSX crowd.

Happy Holidays to everyone, let me know if you have any questions.

Hey - plug for Jonathan here - this is a fabulous deal (try getting these discount anywhere!); my wife uses her flash player all the time, especially at the gym. We took it with us on vacation to Maui too, it was great for the beach!
Lots of different portables to choose from, but the compact flash players are terrific - even the tuner works great. The software interface is really neat too - can just drag & drop from one directory into the other with the USB interface.
Sign me up for another J - gotta take advantage of this & get one for my 16 yr old for Xmas. - iFP-390T for me!
PM on the way.
You got it Ken :D

Now, I just need to get take you up on your offer to help me put the new rotors on (which are all still in a box in my garage).

The travel schedule finally lightened a bit for the end of the year.

I was already thinking about your rotors - I included that in the pm also. Chance to pay back a little on behalf of the community.
Hey Jonathan, this was a great idea of yours after our PM.

You should consider a cut-off date ... before 100% of your sales mysteriously start come from "nsxprime members" with 1 post. :)
I am not too worried about it, this way it lets me see who each person is before they get the credit too, which is why I didn't post a coupon or something in the forum :)

Just bumping this as I have enabled a number of discount accounts and want to be sure anyone else who wants in on the deal gets a chance to see the thread.

Great process - the discount appears automatically in the sub-total once J has enabled it - mine is on its way - had a shipped confirmation with assigned tracking # within an hour of order placememt!!! :D
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hey jonathan... i finally found the time to sit down and go through your website (been busy).

i am REALLY impressed with what i've looked at so far... the specs are on par with what i'm looking for, and CONSIDERABLE cheaper than i've seen her in Australia (even before the discount!).

oh.... anyway want to buy a "DISCOUNTED" mp3 player after i've ordered 10 for myself? ;)
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can someone point me to a primer on these?

Hey, great offer Jonathan, I passed this thread by at first but now daughter wants one for Xmas. Can someone point me to a website where I might get a quick education on mp3 players? I know next to nothing about them.
Daughter is debating between mp3 and minidisc - which we have used for several years and like a lot. No flames about it being a dead format/media - I like 'em.
<B>lemansnsx</B> : go mp3 player. don't go mini-disc. <B>Phoe<FONT COLOR=red>N$X</FONT></B> can tell you the problems with mini-disc's. :(

basically the three best mp3 brands in my research:


They all have pro's and con's, but in my opinion it's a close match between the Nomad and the iRiver: depending on your needs.
Neo - thanks - but I guess you didn't read the part where I said that I already use minidisc - have several players, dozens of discs, no problems, really like the format. Can copy from LP, CD, MP3 from HDD or web, several hours on disk, throw 3-4 disks in my cargo shorts and I'm good for the whole day. Love it for travel, walking, even at client sites.
lemansnsx said:
Neo - thanks - but I guess you didn't read the part where I said that I already use minidisc - have several players, dozens of discs, no problems, really like the format. Can copy from LP, CD, MP3 from HDD or web, several hours on disk, throw 3-4 disks in my cargo shorts and I'm good for the whole day. Love it for travel, walking, even at client sites.

Not to add any more confusion, but just FYI, a flash memory player like our [iRiver] top end 300 series, can also record from LP, CD, HDD, play MP3 and WMA, and not have to have the hassle of converting to Sony's proprietary ATRAC3 format, meanwhile holding enough music so you don't have to carry any extra disks at all :D (Up to 15 or more complete CDs worth) Plus it is much smaller (about 2 ounces) and has no internal moving parts, but by all means, if you like something, stick with it ;)

This thread needs a bump (if jonathan is still offering the discount)

I got my iRiver 380T and have been using it a lot. I wish i made this purchase ages ago. I am a very particular person when it comes to my audio/visual gear, yet i am very surprised at how pleased i am with the iRiver. There are a couple of very minor things i wish i could change, but other than that it's SPOT ON PERFECT. Brilliant quality, great sound and most importantly - it's <I>VERY</I> cool. :D
Another post- Christmas comment - my 16 year old daughter was absolutely thrilled with hers - she's active sportswoman too & loves the arm-band which makes for even better portability for that application.
My daughter was also very pleased with her 390T and I would just like to thank Jonathan once again for the deal and the free shipping. Only way he could have improved on it would have been by throwing in a free t-shirt! Ok, that's just a joke - while building a new pc for daughter for birthday I had to place several orders with a big online vendor - every order came with, you guessed it, a free t-shirt...:rolleyes:

Hey Jonathan - marketing idea - t-shirts with picture of the wrapped H2!!!!!! I'll take a large...
I am glad to see everyone liked the players they got :D

A good number of people took me up on the offer, I am glad I could offer something to the NSX group here.

lemansnsx, if only I had known that you wanted a T-Shirt so badly, I would have made sure you got one, Ken swears he wears his! :)
Jonathan said:
Ken swears he wears his! :)
True! One of my favourite T's.
Also my pin-head usually doesn't accomodate baseball caps but the i-river one actually fits me! Only one I've ever been able to wear (now I'm not sure how well that endorsement works for "normal" big-headed people!) :D
Jonathan said:
lemansnsx, if only I had known that you wanted a T-Shirt so badly, I would have made sure you got one, Ken swears he wears his! :)

Just for that I'm sending you 3 brand-new "" black t-shirts:p :p :p