iridium spark plugs

26 June 2006
are iridium spark plugs better then the stock platinum. i installed iridium and have not driven the car yet due to clutch job, joe
Some properties are better. I have yet to hear of any complaints with OEM plugs. My guess is the iridium plugs you put in are single tip. OEM platinums are double tipped.
:confused: I guess they're small.

Some platinum plugs only have a platinum electrode.

On these both the electrode and ground are platinum hence the title "double platinum" referring to both "tips", the electrode and ground or, "double tipped".
Not to be confused with some products like the "Splitfire" which has a split/forked double tip ground.

They, "Splitfire", also make a platinum plug but call it a "Triple" platinum.(3 tips)

The point of being double platinum is the life of the plug is greatly extended over a non-platinum or single tipped(electrode only) platinum plug.