iPod via Blitzsafe Hon/M-Link-1 V1.D - Possible???

4 February 2005
Surrey (UK)
I want to be able to connect my iPod to the factory head unit and have researched the options suggested via this forum.
Having tried the iTrip and found it unreliable in the NSX (works OK in my 5 Series) I felt that a direct type connection was the way to go for reliable high quality sound and determined that one of the Blitzsafe products would do the job.

Having gone to their website I found that Blitzsafe products are not distributed in the UK so I tried a couple of their online US retails. Only Enfig Motorsport would allow me to order from them and ship to the UK and in my excitement/haste I ordered a Hon/M-Link-1 V1D which I now think was the wrong one!
The one I ordered is second to the bottom on this web page.... http://www.blitzsafe.com/blitz_catalog/blitz_aux/blitz_aux.html


I'm aware of the 2-4 pin cable swapover for the Honda specific CD Changer and according to the Accessories/Sound FAQ that this should only result in out of phase sound, I'm also aware that it being an M-Bus unit it theoretically should work anyway? (with out of phase sound)

So, I tried putting it inline with the factory fit CD changer in the trunk (boot) to see what happened..... got an E-EE = "Misconnection or disconnection of CD Changer", error on the head unit display.

The connections to the Blitsafe were very tight but I'm fairly sure they were all in as far as they'd go.

Should it have worked, but with out of phase sound as I thought?
Could the fact that I didn't have the pin swap over convertor have caused this error code?
Do you think it will work if I use a pin convertor?
I guess I need 2 convertors, 1 in to the Blitzsafe and another out of it to the CD Changer... correct?

Before I return the Blitzsafe model I currently have for exchange any thoughts and advice would be apprieciated.

Can anyone confirm which Blitzsafe model I should get? Is it...
Hon/Alp V1 as under the "Interface" box/link here... http://www.blitzsafe.com/blitz_catalog/blitz_aux/blitz_aux_list/blitz_honda/blitz_honda.html
Hon/Aux V1 or even Hon/Aux V1D as under the "Auxilliary" box/link at the same web page.


Blitzsafe Honda/ALP V.1D is one you want. The pin-swap is in the extension cable between head & the changer so if you plug in the trunk that is where reverse is.
Plug in at head unit end & all will be correct. No adapter cables should then be necessary I believe.
Ken - Is there a way to keep my Smartenna working but use the Blitzsafe adapter that you list?

Id love to plug my iPod in, but that antenna just kills me.
SPA_S2000 said:
Ken - Is there a way to keep my Smartenna working but use the Blitzsafe adapter that you list?

Id love to plug my iPod in, but that antenna just kills me.
Well, the problem is that the smartenna detects music signal from the cd player to be the activator to control the antenna position: since there is no signal on the cd line (I would assume) when the ipod is playing the antenna probably will go up.
You may need to just add a remote switch to raise/lower the antenna.
Thanks D'Ecosse,

I plugged it directly into the head unit and it works.... but only if the CD Changer is not connected.
If I unplug the changer and turn the radio on, it says "cd1:99" and plays from the iPod. :smile:
However if I then reconnect the CD changer the head unit, well the Blitzsafe adapter, wants to stay with the iPod as source.

The problem seems to be that there is no Auxiliary source selector from the head unit, the "PROG" button to select disks just keeps cycling round 1-6 then 1 again, so this particular Blitzsafe adapter stays with the one it last used.

I'm not sure how the Hon/Alp V1D will be differant as there's still no source selector. I'll drop Blitzsafe a line and see if they have any suggestions.


From the notes on Logjam site -

In addition to the iPOD interface, Blitzsafe has also added an Alpine CD changer interface that will allow you have an Alpine 6-disc CD changer installed as well as your iPOD. Pressing the "Up Disc >>" and the "Down Disc <<" buttons switches between the CD Changer and the iPOD. This dual interface will work with or without a CD Changer connected.

Incidentally pbassjo reported that the "fit" of the din plug is not great & needs a firm insertion to make adequate contact
Thanks again D'Ecosse,

You and pbassjo are quite correct about the fit of the the din plug, it very tight but I sure I've got it fully "home" now.

I read the notes on the Logjam site and tried pressing the "Up Disc >>" and the "Down Disc <<" buttons in all combinations ie one of each other in both directions both together and holding them down together but it doesn't work on my unit. :frown:

It could be that my car is a JDM model but apart from radio frequency scale it would appear to be very similar if not identical.

Tried a few other combinations and here's what I found....

If the Changer is connected and loaded with a magazine with any CD's in it, connecting the iPod and pressing any combination of buttons will not make the Blitzsafe switch to it. :rolleyes:
If you unload the changer magazine the Blitzsafe switches to iPod and the head unit displays "cd1:99". Music from the iPod can then be played. :smile:
If you reload the changer magazine with the iPod connected the Blitzsafe switches to cd changer the head unit displays "cd1:00". However it will not start playing automatically. No combination of Up/Down disc or Up/Down track will start it playing. :confused: A single press of the "SCAN" button will start it playing?!? :smile:
To return to the iPod as source you have to unload the magazine form the changer.

So, I think I have a just about workable solution even if it is a little inconvienient to stop and open the trunk to switch to the CD changer.

Some may question why with all your CD's on the iPod anyway why would you ever want to switch back to the changer, but having bought the Blitzsafe unit I wanted to try to get it to work and just occassionally you may want to load up a brand new or borrowed CD before you can import it onto the iPod.

It'd be interesting to confirm that the Hon/Alp V1.D does work differantly, but I think I'll stick with what I've got and live with the little idiosyncrasies.


markc said:
I read the notes on the Logjam site and tried pressing the "Up Disc >>" and the "Down Disc <<" buttons in all combinations ie one of each other in both directions both together and holding them down together but it doesn't work on my unit.

On my adapter (installed at the head unit) you have to quickly tap the >> and << alternately several times for it to switch to track 99 where it then activates the aux input. "quickly" in my case is several alternate taps in less than a second.

As for the smartenna question - Ken - Actually the smartenna always sees the CD changer as active with the adapter in place so that the antenna will NOT raise at all. No big deal in my case, with my IPOD I've never listened to the radio since :biggrin:
Inexcess said:
As for the smartenna question - Ken - Actually the smartenna always sees the CD changer as active with the adapter in place so that the antenna will NOT raise at all. No big deal in my case, with my IPOD I've never listened to the radio since :biggrin:
Thanks for clarification, Tom.

I guess the net result is the same - can't really be utilized unfortunately.