Intermittent sound system

10 October 2002
Hurricane, Utah
My sound system cuts out at random intervals, then restarts on its own. The Valentine 1 is wired into the auxiliary fuse location on the left side of the driver's foot well and cuts out aong with the radio. Sometimes the interruption is a few seconds, sometimes several minutes.

Anyone else have this problem?? I suspect a bad ground or loose connector. Any suggestions on where to look would be appreciated.:confused:
There are a couple auxiliary connector slots which are open in a separate box about 2 inches above the dash fuse panel.
From what I see in the electricial troubleshooting manual there are four option conections on the Dash fuse box and each one comes from a different source, which one of them are you using? If you are using the one closest to the front of the car it comes off fuse #8 that also feeds the stereo. If that is the case check for a loose #8 fuse, the connections to the ignition switch or you may have a bad ignition switch.
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Briank - thanks for the input. I had already removed & re-installed the fuse. However, after reading your post I decided to start again & recheck.

Sure enough, the fuse was seated, but under side loading the radio could be made to cut out at will. I removed the fuse and added a slight curvature to the tabs with needle nose pliers, and reinstalled. Presto - all is well.

Thanks again for your post!
