Interesting post... Purchased NSX and now regrets it?

20 February 2007
Orange County, CA
thought this post was interesting.. oh the reactions to this post.. should be interesting.

Quoted from the site:
This post are for people that switched from an S2000 to a NSX. I guess it wouldn’t apply to those that still have the S or another convertible.

I’m about to do this, what I notice now, a very common switch in this community.

How do you feel, now your car is a not a convertible? I really did not think it would be an issue, but 2 nights ago I had a date with a hot Vietnamese girl from Connecticut. I live in Hawaii, and she was here on business. I met her at the office, and asked her out. As always, they (girls) Love the experience of driving Top Down though Waikiki – Diamond Head – Hawaii Kai – and Sandy Beach. it makes it easier to get there top down... you know what i mean. Can the NSX live up to this?

Anyways, it got my mind going again. Its kinda too late, I already sealed the deal on the NSX, and since I don’t have the room to keep both cars, I have to get rid of the S.

When taking a date out with the NSX, is it the same with out the convertible?
Did anyone ever switch back because they missed driving top down?
Dame I haven’t got the NSX yet. I put the S up for sale online, people have been calling, and when they ask i do the sales pitch, that pitch leads me to having regrets about selling the S…

Well I guess I’m putting this up to get some encouragement, expecting people to say I have no regrets, but I’m not sure…

Well, let me know if you ever miss the S. If not, that is even better
c'mon... the guy regrets buying the car because he can't go "top down" on a date? :confused:

What a tool!:tongue:
I have nothing bad to say about the S2000 but come on.......the NSX is on a whole new level as far as experience. He should just keep the S if that is going to be an issue or he should have gotten a T-top NSX.
Sorry to say this but that guy is an idiot. He's complaining about his NSX because he can't put the top down? Should have bought a targa then...... :confused:

Sounds like he didn't have enough game to get laid and is trying to blame it on the car :smile: Seriously though, even "if" the car mattered the NSX is way better than an s2k, especially in the eyes of a hot Vietnamese girl.
There is a strong possibility that this dude is a total moron.
Hmmm, did I regret buying my NSX because it has no back seat for the baby seat?

There is a strong possibility that this dude is a total moron.

I would say that is more than a mild probability. ;)

He bases the NSX solely upon the fact that he couldn't take the top down for a hot chick on a date. If taking the top down is so important, why didn't he rent a convertible?
I justed wasted 5 minutes of my life reading the entire post on S2Ki.

My impression, 75% of the them are very immature and truly don't understand the value of cars at all.

Someone quoted:

ive thought about getting a nsx as well. the car is awesome, but i couldn't deal with the hassle of the targa top, plus, nsx prime people say it's a tornado over 40 mph and less stiff/responsive. in addition, the nsx just isn't as fun to drive imo. it IS an awesome car, but the S is better in many ways.

after reading a bunch of prime threads, i get the feeling that they all really respect the s2k, but talk crap about it cuz it's slower, less rare, not as good looking. it seems like it's a status thing more than anything else.

Tornado over 40 mph and less stiff/responsive? :confused:
The dude should just cut off his balls and buy a VW Cabrio. Even Miata is too manly for that guy. :rolleyes:
I'm a new S2000 owner (looking for a NSX presently too as a second car) and I'm embarassed being a S2KI member...

Yeeesh. This guy deserves a Miata not an S...

Well it was going to happen sooner or later... it's me the original poster or the message.

There is alot of hostility... and it is not unexpected. An owner of an NSX comparing it to the car they use to own, and Regreting it!!! What an idiot right?

I wasn't trying to talk trash about the NSX. I'm a car person, They are both very different cars. I'm just going to miss my old Car.
LOL Not an isolated reaction to that move, apparently.
Welcome to Prime. Stick around and ignore the hostility; who doesn't appreciate their car being appreciated? The S2000 is not chopped liver. The l'il lady and I were toying with the idea of getting a used one with a hardtop just yesterday. Too many cars though, and not enough room.
Where do you live in Hawaii? We might move back there next year. If I do I'm bringing the NSX the selling the rest. :cool:
I sold my S2000 after getting my NSX and missed my S so badly I had to get another. I can't imagine doing it because of a girl though as you normally don't want women to even see what kind of car you have until you actually have to take them somewhere ,plus I'm married and my wife hates the S:tongue:

Main problem with the NSX/S2000 switch is people are going from two different types of cars and they're usually going from a new S2K to a much older NSX. NSX is nice ,but old used car is not going to feel like the new one you just got rid off. I went from a new S2000 to a new NSX and my NSX still felt dated on the inside. After you've grown accustomed to how it ( the NSX )works you won't regret it ,but it's not an S2K. I actually have a buddy's wife how hated driving my NSX because she said it felt like a boat compared to their S2K..LOL
I feel sorry for the guy :tongue:

Or for anybody for that matter that needs a car to get a little..........especially in a tourist town/city or at the beach.

He's just got no game at all :eek:
I guess to each their own. IMO, the only thing WRONG with the S2000 is the fact that it's a convertible.

Sounds like he's not a car guy though. Just some guy who's going through the phase of 'liking cars' that he thinks society expects of him. He'll probably trade is S2k for a minivan in 3 years.
BlitzSRM from S2kI said:
Yeah i guess you guys boiled it down to a better question?

As far as putang which is the better key? NSX or S2K?

For people that switched the the NSX, gauge the reaction of the girl when they ride the NSX, vs the S2K.

I guess we need to welcome the next generation of NSX owners.
This guy deserves a Miata not an S...
No, the miata is too much of a sports car. He needs a Sebring convertible so that he has a back seat to do what he needs to do. To hell with the driving experience for him.:tongue:

I guess to each their own. IMO, the only thing WRONG with the S2000 is the fact that it's a convertible.

Sounds like he's not a car guy though. Just some guy who's going through the phase of 'liking cars' that he thinks society expects of him. He'll probably trade is S2k for a minivan in 3 years.

No i won't. but yeah everyone is entitled to there opinion.
LOL Not an isolated reaction to that move, apparently.
Welcome to Prime. Stick around and ignore the hostility; who doesn't appreciate their car being appreciated? The S2000 is not chopped liver. The l'il lady and I were toying with the idea of getting a used one with a hardtop just yesterday. Too many cars though, and not enough room.
Where do you live in Hawaii? We might move back there next year. If I do I'm bringing the NSX the selling the rest. :cool:

Thanks, there are a few things i want to do it... and i found, like S2Ki, there is alot of information here.
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