Interesting... I wonder how can this happen?

What a great idea... legal speeding! Must try this when I get my NSX. ;)

ps. i bet AndyVecsey's first response was "WHAT? HE DIDN'T GET A SPEEDING TICKET?" :D
NeoNSX said:
What a great idea... legal speeding! Must try this when I get my NSX. ;)

ps. i bet AndyVecsey's first response was "WHAT? HE DIDN'T GET A SPEEDING TICKET?" :D

I was thinking Andy's response would be more like this:

"SO WHAT? The Cruise Control breaks on a car that they don't even sell here.. What's next? Posts from people in China who break a mirror off while they're backing up? Just accept the fact that a car is a machine and things break and somehow a human was responsible for it. The cruise control was just doing its job which is to keep the car moving so you don't have to exert your energy on the accelerator.... I have to go back to my margaritas and cereal now...."

P.S. Just rubbing you Andy.... :D
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His post might also read something like:

"The car going out of control was due to the fact that he used that crap synthetic oil.... I say, let him burn!" :D :D :D
Wild Turkey? I thought it's strictly Margaritas, especially in the morning. :) Regardless of the concoction or the volume consumed, I doubt Mr. Vecsey would ever allow such mistakes in his compositions: ;)

blknsxnoc said:
<strike>breaks</strike> brakes on a car...
Just <strike>except</strike> accept the fact that...
just doing <strike>it's</strike> its job...
Ojas said:
Wild Turkey? I thought it's strictly Margaritas, especially in the morning. :) Regardless of the concoction or the volume consumed, I doubt Mr. Vecsey would ever allow such mistakes in his compositions: ;)

thank you for the correction... looks like I need more coffee.. but you made one error regarding my error..


"The Cruise Control breaks on a car....." is correct

"The Cruise Control brakes on a car" is incorrect.

oh, and of course, replace Wild Turkey with Margaritas.. :D

Oops. You're absolutely correct. That's a big red mark <img src="" height="20" width="16"> for me. :o
no harm, no foul... thanks for keeping me on my toes..

corrections are made now..... do i have your vote to be the next Andy when he retires? ;)
I'll have to remember this story the next time I'm in the mood to top out the NSX. Why haven't I thought of that before? Find the perfect HWY; dial 911 and open it up.

Geesh officer, I don't know what happened to the cruise control :confused: :confused: but thanks for clearing traffic! :D
LOL... you guys are funny.

Andy, some days i think you need more fibre in your diet. :D But most of the time while your comments are harsh, you're spot on. I don't think anyone could fill your shoes... although <B>blknsxnoc</B>, that was good. Let's see what the real Andy comes up with.
In the meantime Renault France had the car checked by independent experts. They say everything was okay with the car. Next step: Renault takes legal action against the driver for false accusation.
Let's see what the real Andy comes up with

Until somebody pointed me in this direction, I ignored this thread because (a) it is Off Topic (b) even if it wasn’t Off Topic, the title did not intrigue me.

Several things here.....

1 - I got a good chuckle, which means you guys do like me, well a little bit.

2 - I hate Wild Turkey..... for those wishing to send me a present of hootchie, my bourbon of choice is Black Velvet.

3 - When I retire, there are several candidates to bequeath my position to.

Left Lane might work but he is sarcastic only to me. This position requires unbiased sarcasm to all that deserve it.

The guy with the avatar of the white Lambo with silly rainbow stripes on the side is very qualified; however, me thinks he is retired himself.

Neo is somewhat qualified, but he engages in a tad too much humor. This position requires a heavy hand.

Nsxtasy is great at nose-rubbing diatribe, but he wants to preserve his status as the highest volume mega-poster, and filling my shoes may result in further suspensions of his account.

Mr. Wolf is a great candidate, except his method of retribution is more sever than mine.....he just shoots people. But at least he is polite by first asking “Gentlemen, is there a problem?” On second thought, he is not so qualified because he is a chauvinistic pig by not asking the other gender as well if there is a problem.

Troll Patrol is good too, except he only picks on trolls.....must pick on everybody.

Shy Guy’s profanity is on par with the best of cussers, but he won’t bother to read the rules.

blknsxnoc is a suitable replacement in attitude, but he is too wimpy to drive across country to NSXPO in New York. Lotsa bark but no bite.

Drumroll for those awaiting my comment on the article about the Renault driver. He had it coming to him because he drives a French car. The French did not support us in the current war so I poured out all of our French wine.