Interesting Character

Dont know about him cheating on the gumball but here is a quick synopsis of his story in his own words

Short version:

Made my first million with 16 by cracking computer games and selling piracy software all over Germany. In the early nineties I was a famous hacker, cracked AT&T's calling card servers and wrote a software which would automaticly place calls to my partylines in the Antilles, generating millions of minutes every month (AT&T paid). Then I hacked Visas servers and stole the encryption software that was used to generate the pin codes for credit cards, which back in analog times was based on the credit card number. I then encoded hundreds of white plastic (virgin credit cards) with valid Visa corporate credit cards and used them + the generated pin codes to empty several ATM's. I was rich and bored when I was 18 and started hacking goverment servers like Nasa, CIA, etc.. I also hacked TRW, CBI, etc. and had access to all personal data of US citizens who had bank accounts. And when I started giving out information to the media, I was fucked. I got busted in 1992 and in 1993 I got a 24 months suspended prison sentence (The first for Hacking in German History). I started a business called Data Protect. We were helping Fortune 1000 companies to secure their networks. We did penetration testing and developed security software. I sold the company at the hight of the tech boom to germanies biggest certification business called TUV. Then I started my venture capital fund "Kimvestor" which became an incubator for my new business ideas, like:,,, etc. My peak of wealth was in 2001 when i had around 900 million Euro under management. Then I invested in a listed company called, saved the company from bankruptcy and managed a turnaround. In the process I bought stock from my personal bank account, because I believed in them. When the news came out that I invested, the stock skyrocketed 800% with 20 million shares traded in one day and I was busted for Insider Trading because I could not resist selling some of my shares with a NICE profit. The tech bubble was allready bursting and I was the perfect target: A young rich fat showoff bigmouth genius, LETS BURN HIM :-) And thats what happened. I got burned by the media so badly that it was impossible for me to do business in Germany anymore. For Insider Trading I got a 20 months suspended prison sentence (The first for Insider Trading in German History) and had to pay 100.000 Euro in fines. Then I moved my businesses to Hong Kong and started all over again at the end of 2002. Since then everything is growing slowly but surely and I learned a lot in my 30 years of age. My good times are documented on my website And I am planing my big comeback to the international party scene with the Ultimate Rally in 2006:

I hope some of you will join the Rebellion :-)
This ridicoulous guy has no reputation or respect here in Germany. Not only he was a criminal cheater he also lies constantly about his past and his actions. He betrayed people and seems to continue that elsewhere.

Not cool at all - he only wants to be. You should have seen him in personal interviews - he's just a troll - but a big one.

BTW: I'm very stunned that NetViper writes he likes that guy without knowing the real story - do you really like criminals?
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Man, what a "hero" :rolleyes:

Real self made man.
MiamieNeSeX said:
Dont know about him cheating on the gumball but here is a quick synopsis of his story in his own words

Short version:

Made my first million with 16 by cracking computer games and selling piracy software all over Germany. In the early nineties I was a famous hacker, cracked AT&T's calling card servers and wrote a software which would automaticly place calls to my partylines in the Antilles, generating millions of minutes every month (AT&T paid). Then I hacked Visas servers and stole the encryption software that was used to generate the pin codes for credit cards, which back in analog times was based on the credit card number.

Lies, lies, lies: Kim Schmitz never was a famous hacker here. The most famoust hackers at that time where the guys from the Chaos Computer Club Hamburg. He claims their "success" as his.
NSX-Racer said:
BTW: I'm very stunned that NetViper writes he likes that guy without knowing the real story - do you really like criminals?

OK OK... hold on. I didn't know a lot of that stuff. I just thought his websites were cool and I liked his photogalleries etc. His Super car, etc. etc.

I do not like criminals. After reading what you all had said, I change my opinion. I did not mean to offend anyone.
NetViper said:
OK OK... hold on. I didn't know a lot of that stuff. I just thought his websites were cool and I liked his photogalleries etc. His Super car, etc. etc.

I do not like criminals. After reading what you all had said, I change my opinion. I did not mean to offend anyone.

Damn I thought once you hit the 5000 post mark you would grow some cojones :) but I see you must still be running for office and caving in to the pressures of the moral majority.

At least we dont know what color calipers you have any more. :biggrin:

NetViper said:
I just thought his websites were cool and I liked his photogalleries etc. His Super car, etc. etc..

Yes, and everything on Internet is true. For example: If you look at my website you must think I'm a very fast and cool guy - far away from truth
NSX-Racer said:
Yes, and everything on Internet is true. For example: If you look at my website you must think I'm a very fast and cool guy - far away from truth
Wow busting your own balls hmmmmmmmmmmm :)

steveny said:
I may be totally wrong here but I think Kimble use to have a NSX and was a Prime member? Correct me if I'm wrong.

Plenty of posts about him.

When I click on the link I only get this message:

Sorry - no matches. Please try some different terms.

Could you provide another link?
Thanks for the new link but I couldn't find a hint there that Kim Schmitz was a NSX Prime member or even owned a NSX. Maybe prova4re could provide us with info as he seems to be part of the scene (and of the ultimate rallye forum).
Armando said it best.........Kimble is an Interesting Character.
Some people love him and think he is the Ultimate hacker, others hate him and think he is just a crook.

He has done time for "hacking" and he brags about it, but this guy is a bigtime self promoter. He hypes up everything he does or doesn't do, you have to take what he say's with a grain of salt. With any kind of promoter you need to read between the lines a little, as they can make thing's look bigger and better than they are.

He didn't cheat on the Gumball by flying, some say he cheated by skiping a chek point or two, so he could finish first. The Gumball is not a race it's a rally, :wink: so there is no trophy for getting there first. :wink:

The entry fee for the regular person in the Ultimate Rally is said to be around $30,000.00. Like with any of the other Rally's the price depends on who you are, what you drive, and how or when you pay. If you pay up early you can get a big discount, same goes for paying in cash. Keep in mind he can cancel the Rally at anytime, and you may lose you deposit.
I know guy's who are going on his Rally, they are hard core street racer's and in it to win the prize money.

I like his web sites, they are well done and fun to read.
I don't think Kimble ever had an Nsx, if he did he couldn't fit into it as he is a giant guy.
prova4re said:
He has done time for "hacking" and he brags about it, but this guy is a bigtime self promoter. He hypes up everything he does or doesn't do, you have to take what he say's with a grain of salt. With any kind of promoter you need to read between the lines a little, as they can make thing's look bigger and better than they are.

Sounds like Donald Trump or Don King.