Interesting Article about Halo Cars

4 February 2000
Chicago IL today's New York Times:

When a One-of-a-Kind Car Looks So Last Year



Published: December 14, 2003

CHRYSLER had no idea that the PT Cruiser would be such a hit when it went on sale in the spring of 2000.

Or that its buzz would evaporate three years later.

Sales of the PT Cruiser, once the most sought-after car on the market, dropped 25 percent this year, despite a new turbocharged version that has been praised by reviewers. Three years ago, buyers were willing to pay as much as $10,000 over the PT's sticker price, but Chrysler is now offering interest-free loans and $2,000 rebates, so that a bare-bones version costs only $16,000. There are even special deals for employees, who initially did not receive company discounts on the PT because it was so red-hot.

What happened? Industry analysts say the fate of the PT Cruiser mirrors that of other halo cars - the industry term for unique vehicles that are meant to cast a favorable light on a company's lineup, drawing customers into showrooms.

The PT's experience echoes that of Volkswagen's New Beetle, which arrived on the market two years earlier, in 1998, to even more acclaim. Interest in the car fell after VW failed to offer new versions to keep the excitement going.

More recently, the new version of the Ford Thunderbird, which Ford Motor hoped would get the kind of buzz that greeted the Beetle and the PT, fizzled almost upon its introduction in August 2001, because of production delays and problems with quality.

These days, with so many new cars, trucks, minivans and sport utility vehicles arriving in showrooms, companies cannot expect to get much mileage out of halo cars, said Karl Brauer, editor in chief of, a Web site based in Santa Monica, Calif., that offers car-buying advice.

"Once you slip out of the limelight, it's hard to get back there," Mr. Brauer said.

But back in 2000, the limelight shone on the PT Cruiser like George Hamilton's sunlamp. The retro-looking PT, with its sloping hood, zippy handling and roomy interior, seemed the latest hit for Chrysler, which had had a series of hot-selling cars in the 1990's, including the Dodge Viper and the Plymouth Prowler.

Chrysler dealers instantly sold out of the PT, which had the features of a minivan and the chassis of a compact car and brought to mind a Ford hot rod of the 1930's. At some dealerships, waiting lists were as long as a year. Car shoppers traveled across the country to find PT's, many paying thousands above the $17,000 starting price.

Those days are long gone. Dealers had a 136-day supply of PT's at the end of November, more than double the number of cars they prefer to have on hand at this time of year, according to the Autodata Corporation, which compiles industry statistics.

Still, the car has been Chrysler's last big success. No other Chrysler vehicle since the PT has generated the same kind of hubbub. "The PT Cruiser was really something; it came out of nowhere," said Mr. Brauer, whose Web site called the PT the most significant vehicle of 2001.

The PT's introduction is now seen as a dividing line between the fast-moving, American-led Chrysler of old and the less flashy style of the German-controlled DaimlerChrysler, which has since encountered financial difficulties that have forced two rounds of deep cost-cutting.

The ink was barely dry on the merger papers that created DaimlerChrysler when the PT was unveiled at the 1999 Detroit auto show. Based on the same chassis as the Dodge Neon compact, the PT was the subject of intense debate in the company. The idea for a small van with distinctive styling had been kicking around through the 1990's, but some executives questioned whether there would be a market for it.

Because there was little else like the PT on the market, Chrysler came up with the slogan "Too cool to categorize." It said the car would be aimed at younger buyers, one reason for the moderate price. But most often, the PT ended up being bought by middle-aged customers, including Colin L. Powell, the secretary of state, who added one to his stable of classic Volvos.

While the PT's roominess and versatility were selling points, many people bought it for its distinctive look. The design was part of the industry's flirtation with retro-looking vehicles like the Beetle and the Plymouth Prowler, an aluminum hot rod that has since vanished from Chrysler's lineup (along with the Plymouth brand).

But by now, buyers have grown accustomed to the PT, and its retro looks alone are no longer enough to generate higher sales, said Art Spinella, an industry analyst at CNW Market Research in Bandon, Ore. "Anyone who just couldn't live without one has one," he said. Through November this year, the company sold fewer than 97,000 PT's, compared with 130,000 for the comparable period of 2002.

But Chrysler isn't giving up. This year, it added the turbo version, which has a 2.4-liter, 215-horsepower engine and starts at $25,000. Coming in 2004 is a convertible version, which Chrysler first displayed at the 2001 New York auto show as a concept car. The convertible comes with two doors, making it a possible precursor to a PT coupe, which analysts expect Chrysler to introduce eventually.

Gary Dilts, Chrysler's vice president for sales, said the company was satisfied with the PT's performance. Chrysler regards it as a niche model, he said, not as a volume seller. He acknowledged that demand had dropped since the original flurry of attention, but he added, "We have a lot of people buying the PT Cruiser, because it is a great little package at a great price."

But analysts say the company faces the task of trying to regenerate interest in a vehicle that now seems passé.

The PT's appearance has become familiar now that hundreds of thousands are on the road, Mr. Spinella said. "The market is saturated with PT Cruisers and it's not as novel as it once was," he said. Other cars, like the Toyota Matrix and its counterpart, the Pontiac Vibe, as well as the boxy Honda Element, offer as much or more room and versatility as the PT, and at similar prices.

CAN interest in the PT be revived? Mr. Brauer points to VW's experience with the New Beetle. After sliding for several years, its sales are up slightly this year, thanks to the long-awaited introduction in late 2002 of a Beetle ragtop.

VW is also offering incentives to bolster Beetle sales, including a $500 rebate to previous VW owners, and $1,000 to dealers who arrange auto loans or leases through VW's financing arm.

The PT and the New Beetle offer cautionary tales for another halo car, the Mini Cooper, which has remained popular since it went on sale in March 2002. The German automaker BMW, which owns the Mini nameplate, is deliberately limiting sales in the United States to 25,000 a year, so as not to dampen demand.

The general manager of Mini USA, Jack Pitney, vowed in an interview that the company would avoid what happened to its competitors by introducing a steady stream of new versions. Next is a Mini convertible, due this spring, just two years after the original Mini went on sale - a much faster evolution than that of the Beetle and the PT.

Creating new versions is precisely what companies need to do with halo cars to keep generating interest, Mr. Brauer said. "The perfect company is the company that pulls you in, grabs you and holds you and doesn't let you go," he said.

Copyright 2003 The New York Times Company
Very interesting article.

I understand that, by the way, you want us to think about the Honda NSX case in which they unfortunately failed in keeping the huge interest people shown towards the NSX.

When we look carefully, it would be certainly premature and incorrect to state that Honda did nothing to keep the interest, but ITOOAVM* they didn't make the right decisions until 1997 alas it was in a still too moderate way.

As I already said, as soon as 1993 Honda should have improve the engine performance. Think about the 1997 upgrade in 1993 and another one in 1997...

But I also believe that Honda has been a little bit unlucky. Imagine what would have happenned if they had won the GT1 class at Le Mans in 1994. For sure the several Mc Laren F1 winnings at Le Mans didn't help and was of bad timing.

Reputation is also tributary of that kind of publicity, only look at Porsche's history.

Beside these facts we know Honda did a fantastic achievement in 1991 only in establishing legitimally its place amongst the exotic car world.

But if sales dropped it was IMO because once you're in the club you must not stop to improve and like everywhere, the new kid has to work harder to keep up with the oldies to firmly establish its reputation.

So close and so far at the same time! But it is always easier to save the Titanic after than before.

I hope that Honda will learn from this and I am sure that we will soon judge it.

Thanks Ken for the article.

I want to be grabbed and holded again by a Honda pure sportscar.

* In The Opinion Of A Vast Majority
The Ferrari crowd would question why anyone would buy a new car when they can get essentially an identical used car for 1/3 to 1/2 the price. Hence the stable prices for the used car market as there are always people willing to step up to the plate at those prices. Unfortunately for Honda, that means fewer new cars sold and fewer cars on the road. But nothing I'm saying here is news to anyone.

Thanks for the article NSXtasy.
You can't compare the PT Cruiser to the NSX. PT Cruiser was a mass appeal vehicle. The NSX has a very select group of followers, to whom the NSX will never age.
NSX_Dreamer said:
You can't compare the PT Cruiser to the NSX. PT Cruiser was a mass appeal vehicle. The NSX has a very select group of followers, to whom the NSX will never age.
I agree, real apples and oranges.

We have both. I convinced my wife to test drive the Cruiser as a replacement for her Range Rover. I had driven one as a rental and liked it. She drove it and loved it.

Now years later they are everywhere. Nearly everyone one we see is driven by someone at least twice my wife's age. This is the only complaint about the car she has.
I recognized the name.

Maynard is an interesting person - I stumbled across her book at the Walden's in the mall not too long ago, but didn't get it as everything was closing up, and I forgot about until now.

She has a book out that looks like a real interesting read called "The End of Detroit", basically stating that by 2010, one of the big three will be kaput.

I've been at my job for 6 months now, and work for a japanese auto manufacturer's corp office. When I mentioned the book to them, and stated the part about one of the big three going down by 2010, they all said "Chrysler" in unison. (2 of the guys that I work with who have been there much longer than I) I found that interesting as I would have guessed Ford or GM.

GM since they have closed down some of their branches (Oldsmobile) and Ford since they techincally lose money on every car they sell since they're that far in the hole. But seeing as to how Chrysler reported a 92% earnings loss for the 3rd qtr of the FY, I guess I can see that happening, which would truly suck for all those employees.