sr5guy ... Matt
I've discovered this thread rather late in the piece, and just read it again in slow time. I'm that old school electronics engineer who did this stuff back in the 70's and 80's ... so I truly appreciate how much you've done and I really admire your work. Reverse engineering is no mean feat! If this project is part of why your new employer took you on... they've got themselves a damn good deal.
I'm contemplating what is needed from here on. Like many I'm very keen to get OEM tuning capability and real time data logging and reporting for my NSX (and anyone else who's interested)
I've just donated to Mark Mansur and will install TunerProRT as soon as the registration key arrives. I will also get the Moates Ostrich V2 emulator. Is this enough to read and compare ROM contents? If you have been using other equipment any chance you can post a parts list?
Also I imagine you have a good collection of datasheets for some of the chips on the NSX ECU board - any chance of bundling them up and sharing?
I have assembly code experience, although to be honest I'm more hardware than software. Are you prepared to share your assembly code discoveries so far?
I would enjoy developing detailed ECU circuit diagram if that proves necessary, starting with whatever you and Eddy have already. But perhaps much of this has already been done in the Legend community?
Did you ever get to the point of burning replacement 27C256 ROMs? If so where did you get the chips and EPROM burner?
(curious - why did Eddy's markup of the 'Address, Data and Chip Select Signals' diagram attached to post 94 show a 27C512? Perhaps the Legend has double the ROM capacity of NSX?)
Happy to discuss any of this by PM if appropriate, also happy to share with all and sundry