Santa came a few days late!!!
Much thanks to Hasdrubal from Washington state for sending in this ECU for analyzation. Part number 37820-P04-A04. I think it's from a 5 speed 1992. It had a Dinan Stage 3 chip previously installed - pretty old, I think that was the first company to make chips for the NSX and Legend.
Here's a quick video of it running on the bench with the Ostrich installed and Tunerpro running on the laptop. The top 6 lights on the instrument cluster are the fuel injectors. Left turn is the EVAP solenoid right turn is the fuel pump solenoid. Remember, this bench was designed for the Acura Legend and the NSX ECU was nearly plug and play. I still have to wire the VTEC solenoids and a few other things for it to run without a CEL.
The trace feature of the Ostrich is active in the video demonstrating pseudo datalogging on the 1st ignition map x and y axis - RPM and MAP load. As the map sensor voltage is increased and decreased you can see the fuel injector pulsewidth increase and decrease and the current cell on the ignition map move left and right.
I didn't have the time to get the datalogging header hooked up, that will come soon. This ECU is a good unit - I am still looking for a broken ECU, but I may not need it if I can get my dump program working.
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Here are some pictures of the Vigor, Legend and NSX ECUs next to each other. You can see the similarities in each. Notice that the Legend ECU's board part number is E2281A, while the NSX's is E2282A. Only one number off! The vigor ECU uses an updated style board with a lighter coloring, this is also reflected in the 93-95 Legend ECU's.
From left to right 94 Vigor, 92 Legend, 92 NSX

94 Vigor

92 Legend

92 NSX

Thanks again for sending in the ECU. More to come as soon as I get some free time.