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The data outputted is similar to an OBD2 car, but the protocols to communicate with it aren't. I doubt you would ever be able to hook up an OBD2 scanner directly, but a custom program can surely be made that mimics all of those functions. There are data logging capabilities built into the stock software but I'm not sure how they work. There are many factors - baud rate, data framing, parity, input and output commands, etc that would have to be reverse engineered.

Right now I am using a custom program that outputs one data value directly from RAM. You punch in the RAM address you want to view into the program, upload it with the Ostrich and the serial port starts transmitting the current value instantly. This value is the current raw hex of whatever sensor you want to see - TPS, CTS, RPM, IAT, etc. Each of these RAM addresses has to be painstakingly hunted down within the code, documented, searched and labeled ONE AT A TIME! The benefit is that once they are labeled the code starts making a LOT of sense :). The second hardest part after you find each one is to figure out how to calculate that raw hex value into a real world number on the fly.

I currently have the following RAM addresses documented for the NSX:


Calc MAP

F&R o2's


RPM 8 &16bit

Current Fuel Cut RPM

TPS (multiple)

Battery Volts



PA (baro)

EGR Lift

EGR sol. active

ITA (ignition timing adj.)

Status Bits/Switches:


Power Steering




A/C Request

Fuel pump sol.

A/C Clutch


VIS Sol.

FPR Sol.

o2 Heaters

