1. Yes, there are a total of 4 fuel maps #1=Low Cam. #2=Low Cam EGR ACTIVE, #3=VTEC Hi Cam, #4=CTS Failure Backup Map. There are a total of 3 Ignition maps #1. Low Cam #2. Low Cam EGR ACTIVE #3. VTEC HI Cam.
2. Under active research - dependant mostly on RAM dump program working.
3. Under active research, I found the desired fuel injector pulse width from the map and I'm back searching that to see what modifies that.
4. The check engine light routine and limp modes are fully reverse engineered and almost 100% understood.
5. See #3.
6. I had a 2-step program working on the Legend almost 4 years ago, this is very simple to implement, problem is that there are multiple ways to implement it. You can implement the two step to go off on detectable engine load, clutch switch or even throttle position.
7. There is data transferred between the transmission computer and the TCS unit, whats being said is still under research. I assume the NSX will handle the TCU a bit differently than the Legend as the NSX has a separate A/T controller and the Legend's is built into the PCM.