Sounds like you have figured a lot out already, some of us have guessed about the OEM ECU and how it acts but have never had the ability to know for sure. Can you tell us anything about the following.
1. are there seperate maps for fuel and ignition while in and out of VTEC
2. how does knock effect the timing and fuel maps
3. how does intake air temps effect timing and fuel
4. we think the ECU may have several different LIMP modes based on a sensor being out of range or undetected
5. are the fuel trims applied globally or are they stored in a table and adjusted to each load/rpm cell
6. we seem to have a cold temp rev limit below the standard rev limit, could this be used to opperate like a 2-step rev limiter if wired to the clutch switch and programmed for a lower rev limit.
7. is there data exchanged between the ECU and the TCU or is it as simple as I have wheel spin so close the throtle plate untill no more wheel spin is present.
Sorry for all the questions but when I set out to learn the AEM standalone I often asked what did the OEM ECU do under these conditions.