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Interest in Comptech Headers?

1 August 2002
Orlando, FL
Hi all,

I wanted to gauge some interest in the Comptech Headers for you guys. How many people would be interested and at what pricing are you looking for--meaning specific percentage off or dollar figure?

I will see what I can pull together for you guys this week, I just need to know how many would be interested to see what kind of discount I can work out for everyone.

Thanks for your time,
Dean Baty

East Coast Comptech Freak!
Ditto.....I would be interested if the price was right.

'91 Black/Ivory NSX
'89 Gray/Gray F-16C
(stands up and thumps chest) - Me too!

'96 Black/Tan NSX-T : Exedy racing clutch * JDM NSX-R short gears * Dali street/race swaybars
* Carbotech Panther Plus brake pads * Bridgestone Potenza S-03s
I would be very interested in a set for my 1995 at that price. Count me in.

Gary Yates
1995 Red/Tan
im interested as well ... i need to prep for the bbsc and this seems to be the header of choice ... any comments or suggestions on prep for the bbsc will be greatly appreciated as well.
Originally posted by NetViper:
Is $1200 doable? or is that just a number you threw out there?

'Viper - that wasn't the vendors number; he asked for suggested price & I threw that out there, has not yet been offered at any price. It does seem to be a popular number though!
So, how about it Dean? 10 responses in 3 days suggests you could be good for 30 at least here.
I've personally been pointing out this GB to my friends & others on this site - I suggest those already posted do the same to raise our purchasing power - should be good for a few extra $$$ off mine, right Dean?
I am still working on finalizing the price and should have something definate by Friday. I think the $1200 price is a bit low, though--sorry.

I am definately working on this as my primary objective for you all.

Thanks for your time!

Dean Baty
Originally posted by SpeedDistributors:
I am still working on finalizing the price and should have something definate by Friday. I think the $1200 price is a bit low, though--sorry.

I am definately working on this as my primary objective for you all.

Thanks for your time!

Dean Baty

Let me help you then ....

First, let me note that Comptech is a sponsor of the Sacramento Chapter of the NSX Club of America. Thus my comments are offered in an attempt to help all the parties to be happy
I do not have a financial interest except for the possibility of also participating in the group purchase blah blah blah ....... and I get along very well with Bob Leonti at Comptech ..... so all disclosures have been made upfront.

The current retail list price of the header is $1795.

This used to be $1595 from 1997-2000 November (based on brochures that I have). And since Comptech just dropped the price on their exhaust to $1249 (97+ models) which is lower than the 1997 price of $1285, one can only assume that the $1595 for the header (again 97+ models) is still the true retail value of the product irrespective of recent price hikes.

All NSXCA members receive an advertised 10% discount on Comptech products. That brings the cost of the header down to $1435.50. Based on prior price postings from Speed Distributors, and Comptech published list prices .... it appears that Speed Distributors is securing at least 20% discount for their retail pricing ..... please note that all this is publicly available information from these and other forums so I am just doing your homework for you ... ;D

Thus or hence, using a 20% disocunt from the true retail value, we now have a header retail price of $1278.40 ..... are we getting warm yet ? .....

So, make that a group buy of at least 10 if not 20 or 30 items by securing another 5-10%, and pass the savings to the eager wishers/buyers, we are now in the legitimate range of $1196.25 to perhaps as low as $1116.50 before shipping and sales tax .......

I think I deserve to get a free header and exhaust as a thank you for this anlaysis ..... LOLL!


But do all of these discounts stack or do they void one another? They might only be willing to take the 10% or 20% off but are you sure they will do both?

1. Either your wording is confusing or some of your math doesn't work.

2. The price of their headers has nothing to do with the price of their exhausts... They are unrelated products. Why are you trying to link the two to show that a price reduction in one means a price increase in the other is bogus and in fact that product should also be discounted?

3. Your assumption that CT is giving their resellers a discount based on an old price and not the current price of a product is... odd. Would you pay them their old higher price for an item which they had since lowered the price? Of course not, but you assume they will essentially do the same thing. If you KNOW that they are doing so, that is fine, but I do not think that is a reasonable assumption.

4. You probably want a set of headers, not a single header...

In my view you have a really good deal if the distributor normally gets say 20% (your numbers) and can increase that to say 30% for the group buy (or however much they can negotiate, which probably depends on quantiy), and then sells the headers for say 5% more than that amount.

$1795 retail
* .70 group discount from CT to reseller
* 1.05 reseller profit

The real question is just how much of a discount the reseller can get from the manufacturer.

Then again I have no interest in the deal either way since I already have CT headers. But to get near your final numbers, they would have to get about 40% off from Comptech and take a profit of 4%-11% per unit. 40% sounds like an awfully steep discount from CT, but good luck.

[This message has been edited by Lud (edited 27 September 2002).]
If a retailer wants to propose a group buy, he needs to be prepared to cut his per unit % profit drastically, which he can afford to due the overall $$$ (not %)profit from multiple unit sales he wouldn't have got otherwise. Now armed with a large order to his wholesaler, he can command a significant % off the order.
I believe that someone interested in really making the promotion pay off, takes that net individual price & only takes a small % profit. He still makes a lot more money (i.e $$$ not %) than hoping he'll make the odd individual sale here & there; he also gets a whole set of new customers that lead to indirectly related other products. These are fundamentals of sales & marketing principles.
The best benefit of all this to the vendor? He is not carrying any inventory, not one dolar! - he is pre-selling before he buys a single unit; that has to be good for substantial savings to him in overhead.
So, we're not looking for any freebies here - just maximising our purchase power through volume - we do expect the savings to be passed along, not simply make vendors richer.
I understand how group buys work... but even at ZERO profit for the reseller with 30% off from Comptech it would still be about $1256 + shipping. I don't think ZERO profit is reasonable, so add something to that.

If you want to go about it another way, let's say you want to do 20 units and the reseller takes $500 profit TOTAL, which is only $25 each (about 2% markup). To sell them for $1200 he would have to get them for $1175, which is almost 35% off retail.

I think that is a bit of an optimistic scenario all around, but if you guys can make a deal that makes everyone happy, great. Heck if you can get them for $1000 and the reseller can still pay his rent, even better. I was just pointing out what I believe to be some unreasonable assumptions and expectations.

[This message has been edited by Lud (edited 27 September 2002).]
Guys, I just proposed a scenario, let's not get too worked out ok ......

Again, my interest is to make such a group buy happen and I believe D'Ecosse covered most of the basics that were inherent in my proposal. My comments to Lud's premise are imbedded.

Originally posted by Lud:
I understand how group buys work... but even at ZERO profit for the reseller with 30% off from Comptech it would still be about $1256 + shipping. I don't think ZERO profit is reasonable, so add something to that.

........ nobody is proposing or suggesting zero profits.

If you want to go about it another way, let's say you want to do 20 units and the reseller takes $500 profit TOTAL, which is only $25 each (about 2% markup). To sell them for $1200 he would have to get them for $1175, which is almost 35% off retail.

........ the error in here is on relying or accpeting the "new" retail price. Granted this is their posted price. My premise is if the price of the exhaust was dropped because of competition, why not make the case that we will negotiate from the premise of the old header price? Nothing ventured nothing gained. Once you accept this premise then the numbers fall in place.

I think that is a bit of an optimistic scenario all around, but if you guys can make a deal that makes everyone happy, great. Heck if you can get them for $1000 and the reseller can still pay his rent, even better. I was just pointing out what I believe to be some unreasonable assumptions and expectations.

........ no unreasonable assumption if you come with a volume of prepaid orders ......

........ Now Speed Distributors is one of the largest Comptech retailers. And based on the prices that they posted on this forum about 6 weeks ago, you can do the math to see that on some of the items they were offering 20% discount from Comptech's current retail prices. That means they are getting more than 20% discount in order to include their profit margin as well.

...... If this is something that Comptech and Speed Distributors can work out by looking at the volume rather than the individual profit margin, then it will make many NSX owners so much happier; and based on my prior discussions with Bob Leonti at Comptech regarding group purchase pricing, I believe there is a good chance with the right incetives and retailers ....... I am too small of a fish to pull this off for the NSX community but Speed Distributor may ......

[This message has been edited by Lud (edited 27 September 2002).]
Originally posted by Hrant:
the error in here is on relying or accpeting the "new" retail price. Granted this is their posted price. My premise is if the price of the exhaust was dropped because of competition, why not make the case that we will negotiate from the premise of the old header price?

That is the major assumtion which is based on what, exactly? You assume that the exhaust price dropped because of competition but that is just a guess isn't it? Are you sure their cost didn't go down, or maybe they've recovered their R&D costs, etc.?

There are also more options for headers out there now too, yet they raised the price on those, so your assumption doesn't even follows it's own logic.

Like I said if SpeedDistributors can indeed get that kind of discount (or better!) and the deal comes in at $1200 (or even $1000 or less!) I think that would be great for everybody. But I take issue with the way you arrived at your "proposed" price and the assumptions you appeared to be asserting as facts.

[This message has been edited by Lud (edited 27 September 2002).]
I am interested if the price is right. Well, actually the latest price offered by them is $1500 shipped. So for a group buy I am expecting much lower price.
By the way why Comptech headers' price is higher than DC header?
It should be at least the same price as DC headers to be more competitive ?
In reality, what is the difference between DC headers and Comptech? Are comptech worth the higher price?