Intentionally set off alarm

16 June 2002
How can I intentionally set off my alarm?
I have tried leaving the windows rolled down, setting the alarm via remote(hitting button twice to make locks go down) and then reaching in and opening door thru window. No luck.
I have noticed my LED next to the d/s door lock knob doesn't flash anymore. I have taken door panel off and verified that it is plugged in.
If I lock the doors with the key fob doesn't that set the alarm or it is strictly for the locking and unlocking the doors?
I've read somewhere that hood switches are prone to failure. Is there a way to test them?
None of the ajar lights on the dash are illuminted.
Want your alarm to go off???? Trade cars with me. Mine goes off all the time and won't stop. Drives me - and my neighbors - crazy. Good luck.
Unlock the trunk but leave it down, lock the doors and wait for the securty light to blink and then lift the trunk. I you don't get the securty light then its not arming so one of the switched is not working.

I assume you mean the security light by the lock knob?
If that light doesn't come on does that mean the alarm won't set? For example if it came unplugged or wire got cut, etc.
I've only locked both my 1991 and my 1995 with the key itself (I don't have the factory remote unlock). When I lock it with the key, the alarm light arms.

If you have the windows down and you arm it with the keyy, wait about a minute then reach in an physically pull up the door lock and that should set it off. I would imagine using the power unlocks should do it too.

This is all assuming you are using the factory alarm. If you have an aftermarket alarm system the factory system won't arm unless you use your key in the door.
This is all assuming you are using the factory alarm. If you have an aftermarket alarm system the factory system won't arm unless you use your key in the door.

It is the factory alarm as I bought it at the dealership and installed myself.

Is the LED considered a switch? I understand what you mean when you say that it won't work unless all switches are working correctly but I thought the LED was strictly an indicator and not a vital part of the alarm.:confused:
No luck.:frown:
I found the troubleshooting chart in the manual and followed it with no success either.
I'm going to take the door trim panel off today and look to see if wires got pinched or something as to why the LED isn't working.
I'll then proceed to inspect the alarm module and make sure it is plugged in properly.
It is the factory alarm as I bought it at the dealership and installed myself.

All NSX's come with a factory alarm standard I assume you are talking about the keyless entry.

Is the LED considered a switch? I understand what you mean when you say that it won't work unless all switches are working correctly but I thought the LED was strictly an indicator and not a vital part of the alarm.:confused:

Yes the LED is just an indacator, it does not need to be connected for the system to work.
Looking at the ETM there are 7 switch inputs to the Security Control Unit

Left door (closed with door open)

Right door (closed with door open)

Ignition key (closed with key in)

Engine Compartment lid switch (closed when open)

Hood switch (closed when open)

Trunk latch switch (closed when open)

Trunk Key (closed with key in)

Not a switch but an input the radio (I am not sure this is monitored)
All NSX's come with a factory alarm standard I assume you are talking about the keyless entry.
Yes I was. Thanks.

Briank said:
Yes the LED is just an indacator, it does not need to be connected for the system to work.

That is what I thought.

Is there a way to test the hood pin switch? Since that is the only switch that won't show up on the diagram of the car on the dash when it is open that could be the problem. It seems like I have heard they are prone to failure. I can still hear a clicking sound when I push it up and down though so I would think that is an indication that it is working properly?:confused:
also if its an older model you should check it not directly @ the module but about a foot back. theres another plug before the module that has each individual wire before they diode isolate the individual doors and the other pins.
also if its an older model you should check it not directly @ the module but about a foot back. theres another plug before the module that has each individual wire before they diode isolate the individual doors and the other pins.

Looks like you are talking about the Intergrated Control unit. There are no diodes between the switches and the Securty Control Unit.
the unit under the dash? im talking about the part with the antenna attatched to it and every pin swith runs to it. is that only the keyless module? the part mounted under my dash had a secondary harness ran into it off of another and each of the doors were tied together via diode and two of the other pins as well.
the unit under the dash? im talking about the part with the antenna attatched to it and every pin swith runs to it. is that only the keyless module? the part mounted under my dash had a secondary harness ran into it off of another and each of the doors were tied together via diode and two of the other pins as well.

The little box under the glove box is the keyless entry receiver and has no inputs from the switches form what I know and what is in the ETM.
well i removed mine last week and used the harness that was plugged into it to wire up my alarm and every pin switch was in that was handy as i just cut the harness in half and attatched it to the aftermarket harness to tag all pins as well as door locks.
well i removed mine last week and used the harness that was plugged into it to wire up my alarm and every pin switch was in that was handy as i just cut the harness in half and attatched it to the aftermarket harness to tag all pins as well as door locks.

OK the Keyless entry does look at the ignition switch, hood and left door
so the keyless is under the dash. in a 1994 is there ALSO a security module? do you know where in the ETM the wires for the LED in the door end up @. i want to use it for the aftermarket alarm status but don't want to tag it in the door.
so the keyless is under the dash. in a 1994 is there ALSO a security module? do you know where in the ETM the wires for the LED in the door end up @. i want to use it for the aftermarket alarm status but don't want to tag it in the door.

The ground of the door LED comes back to C461 pin 9, Green wire on the Security Control Unit. There is a droping resistor in the Led assy so you can just switch that wire to ground and the light will light.