Insurance question

13 September 2002
Fairfax, VA U.S.
My NSX was hit (while parked) and now I have $800 damage and a torn car cover (torn and stained w/ paint). I went to the other drivers ins. co. (Geico) and they will sew the cover back up. I want a new one since it was fine before the accident. I called my ins. co. and they said I could make a claim on mine ins. but I don't want to do that. Any advice on this would be helpful.


I'm an insurance adjuster and I can tell you this. The squeaky wheel gets the grease. Especially with Geico. Just fight with them on it. Don't call them up cussing and screaming. Just be persistent. If it was your own insurance, they probably wouldn't cover your car cover. I know our insurance company makes you get additional coverage if you add a shell to your truck. It's not part of the original car, so it wouldn't be covered. Just like an aftermarket stereo. It's only covered as long as it's installed in the factory location. Anyway, if it's someone else that hit you, their insurance company should pay for it. Bottom line, make them buy you a new one.