insurance for a nsx

17 May 2002
Brooklyn, NYC
I am a 25YOA male. and I am planning on buying a much will I have to pay for insurance? liability? or full coverage?
Only way to know for sure is to call and ask your insurance company.
Its not that bad though, its 6 cylinders and not often wrecked (compared to other cars)
I'm 24 years old, single male with a clean driving record. I pay $60.00 per month if that helps. My 99 911 cost me about $85.00 per month as a comparison.
This question is asked WAY too often. The best... and ONLY way to really find out is to call.

btw, mine will be 158/month clean record, 26, on a 93.
I can tell you that living in NYC you will not get anywhere near the rates listed above. NY insurance is high. Check with your agent before buying.
Dan, do you use a local insurance company, or regional?

David Allen
'00 Silverstone NSX-T
Comptech SC, Headers, Intake, Exhaust & a little Mark Basch tweakage
Mine is american family. i think ther located in Wisconson. They have an office her
in Springfield. Thats the same price that I pay for my 98 BMW528
Originally posted by ub2slw:
I hear the third Reich coming....


Oh no, not AGAIN!!!

Remember the "search" function - it's your friend.
And it can find you such golden oldies as...

and, of course,

Also, one of these threads mentioned InsWeb, a free web-based service that lets you compare insurance quotes from leading insurance companies to find the best rates available.


Remember your friend, the


[This message has been edited by Forums Nazi (edited 12 August 2002).]
I dont want to put the forums nazi out of a job, but somebody ought to write a script that automatically redirects people to the FAQ when they ask FAQ questions!
Old guy here found a company called Leland West. If its not a primary driver give them a look. I pay $626 a year with 300/300/300 limits and a 1000 deduct. Limited to 5000k a year in driving. They are somewhat strict, almost NAZI like, but they meet my needs. Oh, I checked FAQ and didn't see a listing, if I missed it somewhere, please forgive me and send to two washed up actors over for yard work...
Originally posted by Tom Larkins:
I checked FAQ and didn't see a listing, if I missed it somewhere, please forgive me and send to two washed up actors over for yard work...

The link to the insurance section of the FAQ is in my previous post. But you are forgiven. Would you like some soup?
ok just called my ins. broker and for here are my prices for a 24yoa:
liability $5k
full $12k

if under mommy's name:
liability $800
full $2800

I think I'll stick to the latter. thanks so much for ur replies guys!