Insurance during the winter months...

7 August 2015
Princeton, NJ
I'm wondering if it's useful or even expected to change insurance coverage over the winter months... especially if one does not drive their NSX. I mean, it may still be worth to have comprehensive, but without driving it how does collision help?

Also another thing that has been on my mind: with the expected discontinuation of OEM parts, what would be a reasonable deductible for the car during driving season? It almost seems like having a low deductible is kind of pointless since all it takes is one accident (in my case the most realistic would be a deer or dumb driver) to total the car, irrespective of the deductible.
I keep comprehensive on mine once the first snow fall hits. I have a $1000 deductible bc I won't file a claim if the repair is minimal. I also carry Broad form collision if I'm less than 50% at fault my deductible is waived
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If you maintain the comprehensive coverage, what is the cost saving associated with activating and cancelling the collision coverage for the driving season? If the cost saving is significant, perhaps its worth the effort of cancelling and activating. Only you can make that assessment. Since my collision deductible is high, the premium saving is minimal and this old guy's brain likes having one less thing to forget doing at the beginning of driving season.
I would highly recommend classic car insurance on any Nsx 20 years old or more.
Useful that the guys from Florida are commenting about winter storage :smile:.
LoL if I had a garage I'd go for classic car insurance. It really scares me to use Geico. After reading up it seems like every insurance company is different and the experience all depends on the local office. I could switch to State Farm for "superior coverage" according to word of mouth but there is really no guarantee on paper with a stated value policy. You can chime in here if you want...

The question is really about: 1. Is it worth to remove collision if you're not driving it? For me it's $95 for 6 months on $2k deductible. I guess it's worth to keep especially since we have been having these freak heat waves.
2. Does the deductible really matter if any body panel damage is going to just total the car? Due to the discontinuation of parts, some insurance companies just don't bother.
LoL if I had a garage I'd go for classic car insurance. It really scares me to use Geico. After reading up it seems like every insurance company is different and the experience all depends on the local office. I could switch to State Farm for "superior coverage" according to word of mouth but there is really no guarantee on paper with a stated value policy. You can chime in here if you want...

The question is really about: 1. Is it worth to remove collision if you're not driving it? For me it's $95 for 6 months on $2k deductible. I guess it's worth to keep especially since we have been having these freak heat waves.
2. Does the deductible really matter if any body panel damage is going to just total the car? Due to the discontinuation of parts, some insurance companies just don't bother.

You don't need collectors insurance to get the right payout. A friend who owned a 91 with over 100k received $42k+tax from AAA two years ago. Another friend with a 93 with 100k received $53k+tax from Liberty Mutual this year. They didn't have to go through the appraisal clause that is a available in the state of Michigan. I have liberty mutual myself but I'm shopping around right now.

Removing collision saved me $70/month, we pay really high premiums here and it sucks. Higher the deductible the lower the premium, it might not make a big difference in other states but it does here in Michigan.
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taking off collision saves some shekkles if you remember to do it.