Installing SOS gauges...

7 December 2002
Can someone give me some detailed info on how to install these things? I've done a search and haven't really found anything all that helpful!! Can someone include maybe a scan of the helm or something? Thanx guys...
Huh? Chris (Science of Speed, or SOS) sells his products with installation instructions, and provides excellent customer service and support. Since you apparently bought the gauges from him, why don't you just ask him?
Bought these off of some guy on e-bay who apparantly did not use them...he said that he misplaced the instructions!!
please be more precise as to 'what' kind of gauges they are.if you bought them off ebay its not cris's fault if their are no instructions but from my dealings with him I bet he will try to square you away,he's a real good guy.if they are hks or autometer after market gauges and you want to install them there is plenty of info on how to install on the brand's website from my experience,autometer is really good about online install the gauges and specs. metric (hks) or sae (autometer) and what they are for and we can move towards helping you out.I recommend you do the work yourself.the joy of learning something new and diy is very rewarding and qauges are a piece of cake and a qreat place to get your feet wet tweaking your baby out.good luck
Best Regards David
Gee, you bought something from eBay, and found that it was incomplete and didn't give you the kind of customer support you get when you buy from a vendor. What a surprise.
I finally found an old post about installing these same gauges...I did it!!! Now to post a pic...I'll snap one soon for you all!! As far as what kind of gauges these are, the guy said that they were SOS and they look just like them!! I hate e-bay, but they were steal!!
I doubt you have SOS gauge faces.
The ones from SOS have to be installed by a speedo shop, they don't just slide over the needles they are a true face replacement. The needles are pulled and the old face is removed.
You must have this done by a experienced
speedo shop IF they are SOS gauges.
Even then they may not work. It's dicey.
NSX gauge needles don't like to be monkeyed with.

[This message has been edited by pbassjo (edited 08 December 2002).]

[This message has been edited by pbassjo (edited 08 December 2002).]
Originally posted by pbassjo:
I doubt you have SOS gauge faces.
The ones from SOS have to be installed by a speedo shop, they don't just slide over the needles they are a true face replacement. The needles are pulled and the old face is removed.
You must have this done by a experienced
speedo shop IF they are SOS gauges.
Even then they may not work. It's dicey.
NSX gauge needles don't like to be monkeyed with.

And how many sets of needles did u go thru b4 you found this out....OUCH !!
Originally posted by Acura NsX Pilot:
And how many sets of needles did u go thru b4 you found this out....OUCH !!

pbassjo is a professional in this matter. He owns this body shop an hour north of New York City, which by the way is a great place to take your NSX if you unfortunately need those services.
Well with the SOS faces just that one cluster. I didn't install them, a speedo shop did.If I remember they got 2 out of six right. They only offered to make good on two of the broke gauges so I passed.
I knew about the difficulty of the needles after trying to remove a set of RM faces that came with the car. They were bubbling and I, like a fool, pulled the needles and learned the hard lesson.
That's getting experience the expensive way.
I shoulda known better! (Beatles-Hard Day's Night)

[This message has been edited by pbassjo (edited 08 December 2002).]

[This message has been edited by pbassjo (edited 08 December 2002).]