Installed dali window fix-its. Still popping?

9 June 2003
Houston, TX
OK, so i installed the dali window fix it thingies and then i cleaned and lubed the tracks/rails just as the instructions say to do. I was under the impression that this would eliminate the popping sound everytime i roll the window up? Are these fix it thingies only to preotect your regulator from breaking, or are they suppose to eliminate the popping sound too?

another problem with the window that i still notice is that there is a wind noise as if the window wasnt closed all the way (at freeway speeds). Anyway, thanx in advance for any useful info.
DeNguyen said:
I was under the impression that this would eliminate the popping sound everytime i roll the window up? Are these fix it thingies only to preotect your regulator from breaking, or are they suppose to eliminate the popping sound too?
The fix-it thingies are to protect your regulator from breaking. However, when there is inadequate lubrication, there is more stress on the cable, and this can cause the regulator to break.

The lubrication should have eliminated the popping sound. The popping sound comes when something is binding. Something must still be binding. Sorry, I don't know what.

DeNguyen said:
another problem with the window that i still notice is that there is a wind noise as if the window wasnt closed all the way (at freeway speeds).
Adjusting the windows will fix this problem. The adjustment procedure is in the service manual. Look in the Body section, and in the table of contents on the first page of the section, look for Doors - Glass Adjustment. It's page 20-13 of the 1991 manual.

The window thingies are to protect the regulator, the lube is to make the window slide nice:), however all this will still be out of whack if the window is out of adjustment. Since you are mentioning the wind noise the window is definately out of adjustment.

This can be a real PITA, sorry to say. Please review this process in the manual. The bolts that mount each window rails (2) can adjust in and out to align the window. I have not had to align one, but then I replaced the key lock switch and had to remove one rail. I had to carefully count how many turns I turned the bolts when I removed them, and scribe their position, so I could reinstall the rail in the exact position.

The popping sound is most likely due to the bracket on the bottom of the glass binding against the white plastic pivot. It looks like a large white plastic knob connected to the bottom of a T-shaped bracket. The window will move back and forth along the pivot during its travel. You may need to regrease this to stop the popping sound.
So, are my regulators still in danger of breaking since the windows probably need to be re-aligned? I can probably live with popping/wind noise for a while, until i bring it in for my 30k service (ill have my mechanic adjust it). I just dont want anything breaking from now until then.
If your windows roll up at constant speed (ie, they dont slow down suddenly or significantly) but still makes the popping noise, then you just need to grease the pivot and everything should be OK.

If you have greased the rails and its still slowing down a lot, then you should probably have them looked at or adjusted.

You might also try comparing the speed of your windows to one another. Sometimes one window gets a lot more use than the other and it will run slower. You can use the other one as a refrence point.
You will have no problem if you just don't open your windows:D I am in Arizona and I try never to open them here in the summer. Besides my hair would get all messed up;)
The procedure in the factory manual looks like Calculus to me. I've personally found the easiest way, if you're using your old motor/rail assembly, is to scribe or mark the thread position first as Larry suggests. The, loosen everything up. Note the movement of the adjustment bolts as the tension is decreased. Run the windows up and down to observe the changes, and complete the process by securing the adjustment bolts/nuts and checking fitment of the window to the door gaskets. Keep in mind that with 12 years of use, the electric motor is probably tired, and it may be a good idea to just replace it. Think of the good news... you're new regulator will be the new style retainer.

-- Chris