Can someone email me or fax me with the install instructions for whitensx's HID headlights. I bought them used from a fellow prime member who did not have the install instructions anymore.
Da Hapa said:You might try contacting Steve directly. In my experience, he's an extremely cool guy that offers a great product with excellent customer service. I'm sure he'd be happy to send you the instructions and offer any help that you need in installing the lights.
He seems very reluctant to give me the instuctions for some reason???
drew said:If WhiteNSX gets back to you: then great.
drew said:Your gripe is with the previous owner: not WhiteNSX. The previous owner had a successful install, had instructions and failed to transfer them to you.
You must realize that WhiteNSX is a high end medical professional. I suspect he is busy, your request is low priority and you must deal with that.
The HIDs are his hobby because he wanted a set and couldn't find one that he liked. So he made a few for "his friends".
If you are unlucky: then you will have to figure it out for yourself. It is a plug and play system: I can't imagine how to install it incorrectly.
/Understand you purchased the items WITHOUT SUPPORT. If WhiteNSX gets back to you: then great.
DrVolkl said:I'm a medical professional too, and I don't think I looked at the directions once.
SamBel said:I am not a medical professional, but my wife is...does that count? :tongue:
Pelletz, if you still need the instructions, I have them at home. I can scan and post for you tonight.
Oh, I read every inch of the directions twice before attempting, and all went perfect!