Inquiry for Clutch/Tranny Problem Advice


Experienced Member
25 September 2000
Tyson's Corner, VA
SInce I bought my 91 blk/blk I have noticed a strange click that occurs sometimes when I begin forward or reverse motion from a stop. I have heard a couple times while shifting to second, but usually when releasing the clutch in 1st and reverse. Before the clutch is all the way released, I can hear a fairly loud (audible with windows down)click when the car is set in motion. I have no problems with clutch slippage or difficult shifting. I asked the mechanic at my local dealership and got this answer, "Don't worry it's probably just the clutch springs." Never heard that one before, but was curious if anyone else has had similar experience or may know what this is. BTW, I am not in the snap ring failure range. Thank You.